Black Staffers Leaving White House in Droves


However, The Most Diverse White House ™ has a serious problem. Many black employees have left the company, with some complaining about a lack of mentoring and opportunities for minorities.

Politico reports at least 21 Black staffers have resigned or are planning to do so in the near future. Staff members still there complain about hostile work environments and lack of support from their superiors

They call this “Blaxit”, but it is not to be confused with Blexit. It refers to a departure by black people from the Democratic party under conservative commentator Candace Owens.

The White House fired Black employees:

Symone Bernie, Kamala Harris’ chief spokesperson and senior advisor is Symone Bernie
Tina Flournoy, Ashley Etienne, Harris senior aids, and Vincent Evans
Cedric Richmond, public engagement head
Carissa Smith, public engagement assistant
Kalisha Dessources Figures for Gender Policy
National Security Council senior director Linda Etim
Digital engagement director Cameron Trimble
Associate counsel Funmi Olunnipa Badejo
Ron Klain is Chief of Staff and advises Elizabeth Wilkins & Niyat Mulugheta
Natalie Austin, Press Assistant
National Economic Council aids Joelle Gamble & Connor Maxwell
Rayshawn Dyson and Reggie Greer are Presidential Personnel Aids
(How many bureaucratic positions do YOU consider useless and of no benefit to the American people?)

There were also other people who have announced plans to leave White House.
Danielle Conley White House Deputy Counsel
SaharraGriffin is being assisted in this by the Council of Economic Advisers
Karine Jean-Pierre is Biden’s Press secretary. Jean-Pierre is Black and loves having sex. Biden is committed to maintaining historical representation for all communities, and Black staff. It is normal for any administration to have staff turnover. Black staff were promoted faster than white staff.

Many staff members of color describe a stressful environment at work. They are likely college-educated students who feel they are entitled to a six-figure income and a four-day work week.

A White House employee said that blacks have had poor experiences and that it is partly due to the lack of Black leadership.