Bill Ackman and Piers Morgan Raise Red Flags on Biden, While Mark Cuban Stands in Defense


The Biden team was frightened and tried to fight back against the “fake videos” they referred to, such as the video of Barack Obama taking Joe Biden’s hand to begin to lead him out of the Los Angeles fundraising event, walking him with his arm around him.

It wasn’t fake.

They’re upset because it’s real. They know that such videos have an impact, and are making people speak up or wake up about what is going on with Joe Biden.

What is the case? Piers Morgan

They let it continue because they do not care about us or about the danger we are in. Their only concern is their own power.

Bill Ackman, the billionaire hedge fund manager, responded to Morgan by exposing Joe Biden’s true nature.

Some have criticized me for sharing the @POTUS Biden Videos that appear almost daily. I’ve read many articles that suggest the length of the video, the angle of the camera or some other form of right-wing manipulation is what explains Biden’s behavior in front of the camera.

At 81, some people are old, while others are young, vibrant, and impressive. Biden is 81 years old, while Warren Buffett is 93. Biden, an 81-year-old man who is unable to stay focused or present at a G7 Conference. Who should lead the free world in the next five-year period?

The president shouldn’t be carried off the stage with his arm around him or by hand. This is not the image we want to project as a nation.

Take a look at the current events in the world. Global chaos has been caused by the perception that leadership is weak in the United States. Weak leadership has been a serious threat to the United States for a long time.

Biden’s second term is the Democratic Party’s own destruction. It’s the real-life version of The Emperor’s new clothes. It is not a book for children or a joke. A second term for Biden would be a grave threat to the global economy and security.

Exactly. Biden’s team can spin, but it can’t avoid that. Ackman, Morgan and anyone else who is honest and looking at the facts will be horrified by the Democrats’ decision to put Biden on for a second term.

Mark Cuban, on the other hand, was either deluded or ignorant when he replied to Ackman. His defense of Biden was so misguided that people savaged every “point” Cuban made.

Both of you, @piersmorgan and @BillAckman are so consumed by pandering to twitter followers that you’ve lost all objectivity. Let me let you in on a little secret. BOTH CANDIDATES WERE OLD. Both candidates are very old. Both will have senior moments. They’ll forget, misremember and be physically frail. Let me tell you a little secret: one is good at soundbites and also thinks like he does. The other thinks in full sentences, but is terrible at soundbites. The voters will decide.

Morgan said that Ackman and he were more in touch with reality than Cuban.

Cuban responded by trying to stop the attack.

Biden’s policies and intelligence are far inferior to Trump’s. Even without incoherence Biden is still far superior.

Cuban continued to argue throughout the day, but it was clear that he believed various hoaxes debunked about Trump. This included the Charlottesville and bleach lie which Biden continues spreading.

He seemed to blame Trump, instead of blaming leftists, for the Secret Service taking him to a secret bunker while the leftists were rioting and attacking law enforcement.

He seemed to blame Trump as well for those who were killed during his presidency by leftists. This is bizarre, particularly when you blame the leftists. Morgan is right when he says that’s the moment you can tell if a person is acting in reality.

Most Americans, if not all, are in Morgan/Ackman’s camp. Biden’s problems are too obvious to ignore. Ackman, Morgan and others are raising the alarm so that everyone is aware.