Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Shocking Clash with Australian Anchor Goes Viral


Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., is not someone I’ve ever been fond of. It’s important to note that I do not hate this woman. I find her over the top and a bit bombastic. And I’ve never understood the rap video.

There is no reason to send someone to the outer darkness or to wish them into cornfields just because their style, personality, or political approach is different from yours. The conservative movement continues to attract people with very different political views.

Except for swamp-swimmers and other rabid conservatives, conservatives don’t get up in the morning, wear their gray coveralls, and raise a hand to Big Brother with drool, gaped-mouthed solidarity. We also do not join those who wear keffiyehs, commit crimes, and produce nothing.

It is not necessary to share the same opinion to work together for a common goal. MTG may disagree with me, but when someone has the right answer, it is true. This was evident during the appearance of the congresswoman by ABC, an Australian network. As expected, the segment ended badly and MTG became Sarah Ferguson’s Sonny Liston.


Greene was invited to the show by producers ostensibly to discuss Julian Assange. Ferguson, like any good robot, pulled out the Mainstream Media Ouija Board to summon the ghost of January 6. What’s the deal with these people? After the Trump trial, I thought they would have moved forward. We are now on January 6, 2019. Again. Only one thing is left: make today into cereal for breakfast! New Insurrection O’s. More buffalo horns now!

But I digress.

Greene has a right to say that Australian media are just as corrupted and complicit as ours. She was right on every point that she made in the segment. The chip in Ferguson’s head went off, telling her to stop the segment and go offline for maintenance that wasn’t scheduled. Ferguson said to Greene that it was obvious they were at the end of Greene’s questions. Sarah, good luck trying to get your leg free from the trap. Ferguson probably didn’t even realize how stupid, clumsy, and ham-fisted she was.

I used to wonder if the anchors and reporters at CNN, MSNBC, and other networks like ABC, CBS and NBC were bothered by their conditioned response journalism. I now think that they’ve been in the system for so long, we only have Manchurian reporters left.

Greene should have been surprised by the ambush attempt. It is not necessary to look back too far to recall the horrendous treatment of the Australian people by the government during COVID-19. In April, I discussed the assault on Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel and the Australian government’s demand that Elon Musk remove any footage of the incident, not only in Australia but around the world. Musk invited Australia, of course, to pound sand. Jacqui Lamie, a Tasmanian senator, said Musk should go to jail.

Tonight is the debate night. To be honest, I expect Dana Bash & Jake Tapper will be just as partisan and skeezy as Ferguson. This is the core of this election. It’s a fight between those who want to make America better and those who want it to become Australia or China.