Argentina’s Milei Defies UN, Blasts Their ‘Socialist Agenda’ in Bold Rejection


Javier Milei, a libertarian economist and economist in Argentina, has been a major force for change since he was sworn into office as president on December 20, 2023. Many American sites refer to him as a “far-right populist”, “alt-right” or “anti-socialist”. He ran on a platform that vowed a fight against a 200 percent rate of inflation, rising poverty, and a divided nation. He promised to “chainsaw” public spending and implement austerity measures to combat the rot that had engulfed Buenos Aires.

We have reported that he has had some promising results.

It’s not surprising that he gave a fiery address at the United Nations on Tuesday, in which he blasted their socialist agenda.

In his first address to the UN General Assembly in New York, Milei focused primarily on the 42-page ‘Pact for the Future’ adopted by the UN Sunday. This document includes points that promote climate action, equality for women, and regulation of artificial intelligence.

Milei stated that “Argentina won’t support any policy which implies the restriction or violation of natural rights, individual freedoms, trades and the right to free expression.” “We invite the nations of the world to join us in opposing the pact and in creating a new agenda, the freedom agenda, for this noble institution.”

He said that the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda was “a supranational program of a socialist character” and accused it of becoming a “multi-tentacled Leviathan which seeks to determine what each nation-state ought to do and how citizens of the globe should live”.

Whoa. Javier, tell us what you think. He also attacked the fascist, draconian COVID policies that many governments, ours included, have imposed on citizens.

He then went on to denounce the woke agenda set by progressives and the World Economic Forum. It’s worth watching.

Elon Musk of X, who is more vocal about his political views (hint: he’s not impressed by progressive Democrats), expressed excitement to meet the controversial leader. He also indicated that he supported the direction Argentina was heading in a recent post. Note Elon’s dark MAGA hat:

If you are a fan, watch the video on the tweet. Sound up. Epic.

Milei’s ability to fully bring Argentina out of the abyss remains to be seen. He is up against powerful leftist forces but has proven that he won’t back down. He was blunt in his U.N. address about the state of affairs.

I am here to warn you that we have reached the end of our cycle.

Reality has collided with the collectivism and moralizing of the woke agenda.

Well said.