Americans Can Charge Robocallers up to $1,500 Every Time They Call


Robocalls aren’t just annoying phone rings; they can actually lead to some money if handled right. Many people don’t know that there’s a law called the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) that can help. This article will explain that law, tell you about the different kinds of robocall violations, and show you how to potentially get paid from these unwanted calls.

Up to $1,500 is Available Per Robocall

Ever considered robocalls more than just an irritating interruption? They could actually be a source of income. Thanks to the Federal Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), you may potentially pocket up to $1,500 for each illegal robocall or automated text message that you get. The TCPA aims to shield consumers from unwanted calls and texts generated by an automatic telephone dialing system. The act also covers instances where companies are faking caller ID numbers – another frequent trick used in annoying robocalls. But how does this translate into actually getting money?

Willful Violations are The Key to Your Money

A willful violation implies that the party placing automated telemarketing calls was aware they were disregarding TCPA regulations but chose to proceed anyway. This is often tougher to prove compared with non-willful violations because it demands evidence of intent. If successful though, claiming damages for willful violations can lead to substantial payouts due to their higher value under federal law – up to $1,500 per instance.

There’s Even Money in Non-Willful Violations

On the other hand, there are non-willful violations. When a business breaks the TCPA rules by accident while using an automated telephone dialing system, it’s called a non-willful violation. This is different from willful violations where the business does it on purpose. Even if it’s an accident, people who get these unwanted calls can get paid. By law, they can get up to $500 for each unwanted call. While $500 might not seem like a lot compared to what someone might earn from doing it on purpose, think about how many unwanted robocalls people get every day. It can add up and become a big amount over time.

What’s the Process Look Like to Get Your Cash?

You can break down the process into a few different pieces:

  • Add your number to the national do not call list
  • Write a powerful demand letter
  • Agree on a settlement for funds

Add Your Number to the National Do Not Call List

There is a national “Do Not Call” registry where you must make sure your number is added! This is because having your number on this list truly shows you do not want these calls. Showing that you don’t want these calls helps you get the most money possible when it comes down to getting funds from robocalls.

Write a Powerful Demand Letter

You will want to draft a letter to the companies making these calls. Tracking down the companies can be tough. However, if you can, you want to send them a letter. An impactful demand letter must contain specific details about every call or text message received from these entities. Include:

  • Date
  • Time
  • Caller ID (if available)
  • Nature of call/message in your demand letter

You want to specify this information for each violation made by automated telephone dialing systems or artificial prerecorded voices.

Agree on a Settlement for Funds

If the steps above don’t work and you can’t get money from the robocallers, think about talking to a lawyer. You might not need to sue them, but it’s an option if they don’t listen to your demands and the money is enough to make it worth it. Some companies might offer you less money than you asked for. You can decide if you want to take their offer.

If you have proof of all the calls, you might get the full amount if you go to court. If there’s a lot of money involved, ask a lawyer if it’s better to settle in or outside of court. If you stick to your demands, you can get paid for those annoying calls. Once you and the company agree, they’ll send you a check. Real companies will want to fix their mistakes, especially if they made illegal calls.

FAQs in Relation to Getting up to $1,500 Every Time You Get a RoboCall

What is the $1,500 Telephone Consumer Protection Act?

The TCPA allows individuals to take legal action against companies that violate their rights by sending unsolicited robocalls or texts. Violations can result in damages from $500 up to $1,500 per call or text.

What is the largest robocall fine?

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) gave a $300 million fine to a group for running an illegal car warranty scam with robocalls. This is the biggest robocall scam the FCC has ever looked into. The group made over 5 billion robocalls in three months in 2021, but they started their operation in 2018.


Annoying robocalls aren’t just disturbances – they could be your ticket to cash if tackled correctly. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) is a tool that can shield you from these calls and possibly reward you financially for each unwanted ring or text. While the process may be annoying, the potential payout of up to $1,500 per call can make it worth the effort. Remember, legitimate companies want to correct their mistakes, especially if they’re breaking the law. So, next time the phone rings with an unexpected robot on the other end, think about the opportunity it presents, not just the irritation it causes.