More Than 20 State Attorneys General Rally Behind Supreme Court Push for Government Censorship


A group of state attorney generals recently filed an amicus curiae brief urging the Supreme Court not to endorse the federal government’s anti-free speech initiatives, despite their flagrant and dangerous violation of the First Amendment.

Missouri v. Biden, a case that revealed the federal censorship industry complex (which was made worse by Joe Biden), is headed to the Supreme Court. 23 state attorneys general have pleaded for the Court to take the side of the federal government and not the Americans. The brief urged a reversal of an injunction from a circuit court that was attempting to stop federal censorship. It denied the federal effort to suppress speech is unconstitutional. The AGs have openly admitted that they worked with Big Tech to flag online speech as a target for censorship.

The fact that nearly half of America’s attorneys general are actively working to violate an important constitutional right is disturbing but also shows how desperate the leftists have become to control the narrative on the internet leading up to the 2024 elections.

The brief explained that the states work with Big Tech not only to “protect minors,” but also “regularly work with social media companies to identify harmful content which violates the platforms’ policies”.

Attorneys general blatantly asserted that tech-government collusion was “by the First Amendment” and praised alleged “mutually beneficial communications” between federal officials, tech companies, and government officials to suppress COVID-19 online. State AGs claimed that there was no government pressure on tech employees to censor content, contrary to the evidence provided by those who claim to have been subjected to government pressure. The attorneys general claimed that government efforts to regulate online speech would “benefit open discourse”.

The AGs concluded by urging the Supreme Court, in a reversal of the Fifth Circuit’s decision, to vacate the preliminary order that was issued to stop the Biden Administration’s anti-free speech efforts.

Signatories of the amicus brief include attorneys general from Arizona, California, and Illinois, as well as New York, Maine, Colorado Maryland, Connecticut, Massachusetts Delaware, Minnesota, Hawaii Nevada, and Rhode Island. The AGs of New Jersey and Michigan have also signed the brief. Around the country, tyrants try to aid the federal government in attacking free speech. Without this right, we could all end up like sheep being led to slaughter, as George Washington warned.