Pelosi Refers to Hillary Clinton as President, Stumbling Over Election Denial


I may have said it before. I am so happy that the Republicans won control of the House. One reason is that I don’t have to refer to Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D.CA) as the “House Speaker”. She’s not front and center making silly comments about policy. “For the Children.” It’s always “for children”. Even though it’s not about the children it’s about the Democrats’ power, it’s always “for them.”

However, I want to point out the Pelosi hypocrisy she committed while she was at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. Clinton is expected to “teach” the school in the fall, “using her own political experiences as course material.”

According to a press release, Clinton and Dean Keren Yarhi – Milo will co-teach the course, titled “Inside The Situation Room.” The course will examine “a range of cases and examine decision-making within a variety of historical and contemporary contexts, including the search for Osama Bin Laden and the redline in Syria to negotiating with Iran.”

Translation: Hillary will sometimes show up to receive a large paycheck and bull for her efforts, much like Joe Biden or the University of Pennsylvania. What experience will she have to share? How to discredit and lose your political opponent using Russian disinformation.

Clinton asked Pelosi about the threats to democracy. “Well, I appreciate that question, but I also appreciate your leadership in this regard when the president –” Pelosi responded, mistakenly referring to Clinton as president — a title she’s never going to have, something that still causes Clinton and Democrats fits.

Pelosi did correct herself, calling it a ‘hope.’

Pelosi stated that Secretary Clinton was the Senate’s first lady and secretary of state in recent years. She had and implemented many things that showed America’s support for democracy. She then went into election denialism, claiming that Russian interference had affected the election. “It was her clarity and position to Putin, the current occupant leader in Russia, that caused him to turn around and illegally interfere in our democracy by Vladimir Putin. Hillary Clinton was the one he most feared for his lack of democracy and corruption in Russia. This is, I believe, obvious, so thank you very much for your efforts.”

It’s okay to spread nonsense and be an election denier if you have the magical letter “D” after your name and it’s done in the name “democracy”. Did she miss the point where the Russians did not affect the vote? It’s absurd that anyone would fear Hillary. Did she not realize that Hillary’s campaign interfered in the election, trying to discredit her opponent using Russian disinformation via the Steele dossier? Clinton was even fined by the FEC for falsely describing the expense. Democrats receive a fine and a job with Columbia. They don’t get arrested under our new system. Hillary was still unable to win despite her attempts to smear her opponent.

Pelosi continued, in ignorance.

Facepalm. The Biden administration seems to have no idea what is happening with China’s alliances and deals.

Pelosi seemed to criticize the internet’s “unfiltered” nature.

Yes. Because the Democrats want to control your perceptions and opinions, and, thus, wish to control your thoughts.

The next is probably her most funny. Pelosi’s bizarre take on Republicans is hilarious. Pelosi’s view on Republicans is bizarre. Clinton and she don’t get it.

“Why? Because they don’t wanna pay more taxes? Because they’re believing some misrepresentation of what’s going on? We have to be vigilant in this country.”

Imagine that you are saying this while spreading misinformation about 2016, and then sitting next to someone whose campaign paid for misinformation to hurt her country. Nancy, it’s true. We are “nice educated people” on the opposite side of whatever you are on.