Quinton Simon’s Story Demonstrates Why We Must Fight the Evil in This World


Dear Quinton, your mother’s addiction to drugs was likely more important than you were to her. Your mother could look at your adorable smiling face, beat you to death, and then dump your body in a dumpster. Your remains were found in a landfill by your mother, who went out with your mother to get shots at local bars.

Your smile reminds me of my grandson’s when he was your age. And I am so very sorry that the people who you trusted to raise you and love you felt that their needs — no, make that their wants — chose themselves over you. There was so much life in your little face. So much potential. I and countless others mourn your passing.

We are sad to hear about the passing of so many precious lives, especially in New York and Chicago. These were little souls who just wanted to have fun, play, and grow, but left this world way too soon.

I mourn you, Quinton, and I mourn them, yet I seek some comfort in the fact that you will not have to come of age in such an awful, selfish, degraded world. I tell myself that you are in loving arms and that you are at peace and protected now. And pray that is so.

Dear Quinton, Sleep in heavenly Peace.

This has been something that I have thought about since the news broke.

However, we do throw away life in 21st-century America. The world should instead celebrate our choices, regardless if they lead to harm.

After all, what parent would value their egos and social status so highly, and their children so little, as to take them to this “all ages” Drag Queen Christmas in Austin, Texas?

Parents who do not care about their children’s minds or souls and wish to improve their self-esteem are who.

Joshua 24:15 says, “Choose which day you will serve.” The Left interprets this phrase to mean that you are devoted to an obsolete religion. It is a sign that you are devoted to an obsolete religion.

Quinton’s death, along with many others, was ultimately due to Quinton’s behavior-free-all idea.

Social media, our government would have us believe that you are just a bunch of synapses wrapped up in meat. Simon chose to not honor God.

We celebrate indulgence. They went to the jail cells of criminals. They were familiar with the real people. They found it difficult to live with me and I was not as kind as the ministers.

Faith can be difficult. You must be honest with yourself.

It’s hard to do what we do here at American’s Report. I was captivated by her dancing and singing and was delighted when she came up to me to hug me after the show.

She was also born with a condition called Tetralogy of Fallot, which is essentially four heart conditions wrapped up in one. She will need a new heart valve next year. There are those on the Left who would deny her that surgery. There are those on the Left who would have seen her murdered in the womb. There are those on the Left who would see her murdered for the color of her skin alone.

She is why I fight. I fight for her and every Quinton Simon, as well as every unknown child who never got the chance to grow up. For everyone who has been victimized and compromised, perverted and shunted aside. You must find your reason. For every college protestor, for every man or woman who robs a child of their innocence, for every grinning monster clad in black burning down buildings, looting and beating people at random, there must be one of you.

Why? I often wonder why God doesn’t say enough, despite all the religious education I have received and all the preaching I have done. This is especially true at this time of the year. This is what you’re doing right now.

As a hospital chaplain intern, I was frequently called upon to assist with suicides, overdoses, cases involving domestic violence victims, or SIDS deaths.

The world isn’t a place where evil can be conquered.