Minneapolis Area Cops May Want to Send Out Their Resumes After Kim Potter Verdict


Kim Potter, a former Brooklyn Center police officer, might have been able to draw and use her service pistol, but she didn’t mention that she used her taser and shot and killed Daunte Witte Wright. Instead, she reached out to her fellow officer who was trying to arrest the felon, 20-year-old, when Wright jumped into his car and refused to be arrested. Wright was being held hostage by another officer, who tried to arrest him. Wright refused to be arrested. Wright then ran into her car and hid. Taser! Taser!” to stop him from fleeing, but she accidentally pulled out her gun.

She is now in prison after being found guilty on two counts of manslaughter. Although Wright was black, the officer who attempted to subdue him was white. Potter’s skin color has not been a factor in the reporting and narrative about this terrible case. Wright was black.

The death of Daunte Wright on April 11, 2021, sparked riots throughout the Minneapolis area. This was also the result of George Floyd’s death, which also sparked violence.

As woke Minneapolis discovered during the trial of Derek Chauvin, a former officer of police, Floyd’s death, the jury’s decision is influenced more by the job description and skin color than the facts of the case. Nick Rekieta, the Attorney, viewed the trial via his Rekieta Media live stream. He said that after the verdict, “justice wasn’t done.”

After an 18-day trial, the Minneapolis jury found her guilty of two counts of manslaughter. She is now in jail, trying to figure out how she will appeal this verdict. Rekieta is not the only one to agree with his assessment. It’s far from true.

Joe Nierman (New York) said that the apparent nullification of the jury could only have been achieved by a jury that was “dead-set on guilty.” Robert Barnes, defense attorney, shook his head in dismay and stated that it was impossible to have an impartial trial in the Twin Cities. It’s absurd.” He lamented that “it’s impossible to get an impartial trial in the Twin Cities.”

Andrew Branca from the Law of Self Defense, who was present at every stage of the trial, stated that “every cop sending out their resumes right now.” Nate Broady (known as “Nate the Lawyer”) on YouTube said that the jury erred and laid out the case in favor of acquittal.

According to jury verdict forms, NBC News found that the jury consisted of nine people from white backgrounds, two people of Asian descent, and one person black. She was found guilty of the lesser charge of manslaughter on Tuesday and the more serious Thursday.

Wright was stopped for expired tags. This could have been due to his rearview mirror air freshener. Also, a warrant was issued for Wright’s arrest. They pulled Wright over and found that he didn’t have a driver’s license, no insurance, a warrant on his head for illegal weapons charges, and an “order of protection” against them. Also, he was suspected of shooting his friend (16-year-old) in the head. This left him permanently brain-damaged.

Wright broke away from the officer who was cuffing him and jumped into his car’s front seat. He then tried to drive off. Potter thought she was using her Taser. It was actually her Glock semiautomatic pistol.

Keith Ellison, Leftist Attorney General declared that the verdict means “we have some accountability for Daunte’s death,” something Kim Potter has always stated from the moment the shot rang. Wright’s mother, a white woman, stated that the verdict was a sign of a “long struggle for accountability.” Potter was worried she would be sent to prison after the shooting.

Robert Barnes was furious at the judge’s call for jurors to be “heroes” after Thursday’s verdict was read. “You’re villains. He blasted, “You didn’t do what you were supposed to.” He also criticized the Ellison-influenced prosecution environment in which Twin Cities residents live, saying that “this case is absolute proof there are zero chances of getting an impartial juror.” This is similar to Martin Luther King being tried at Birmingham. It is best for attorneys to move their cases out of this jurisdiction. When she is sentenced in February, she could be sentenced to 15 years imprisonment.