2023 Might Be the Year to Escape the Woke Workplace


Andrew Crapuchettes, RedBalloon CEO, keeps an eye on workplace trends in order to better serve clients. Crapuchettes founded RedBalloon in order to assist employers in the so-called “courageous economy”. Businesses who post open positions on his site must sign an employer pledge. It reads:

Registering for RedBalloon’s Job Board or Marketplace services will make you an employer that promises to respect your employees’ religious beliefs, violate their constitutional rights, and not discriminate against them. We are grateful for your support of freedom for you, your employees, and America.

RedBalloon is a platform that helps employers find people who share their vision. Crapuchettes believes that the freedom economy made major strides in 2022 with new companies entering or being more specific about their values. He believes that this trend will continue into 2023 as part of a larger trend that affects many aspects of people’s daily lives.

Crapuchettes believes worker dissatisfaction is one reason why he predicts that Americans will seek out opportunities to live in and work in communities that share their values. Crapuchettes points out Gallup’s 2022 State of the Global Workforce report, which shows that 60% of employees are dissatisfied with their work. Only 33% of the workers in the America-Canada region are engaged at their current jobs.

A second factor is the continuing shortage of workers. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are 1.7 jobs available for every worker. This is good news for employees who want to make a difference. Crapuchettes stated that employees are in control of finding work that is aligned with their values. Jerome Powell, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, supported this data when he told reporters recently that there was a structural problem with the labor market. The economy is missing approximately 3.5 million workers.

Crapchuettes stated that employees who are tired of ESG, DEI, and CRT in their workplaces should look for a job that upholds their constitutional rights. I hear thousands of stories about job seekers who have been through the demoralizing, soul-sucking DEI training that take them away from productive work and leaves them feeling unmotivated, disinterested, and depressed.

Corporate spending on ESG initiatives (eco-social, governance, and governance) is expected to increase. Chapchuettes states that 91% of ESG professionals have developed or already have ESG practices in a Morningstar Sustainalytics poll. International Data Corporation estimates that businesses will increase their spending on ESG services by $158 billion in 2025.

Americans are constantly on the move. According to the Census Bureau, Los Angeles lost more than 40,000 people between 2020 and 2021. Chicago lost over 45,000 and New York City lost more than 300,000. Pew Research indicates that New York, Illinois, and Hawaii saw the greatest population declines between 2020 and 2021. These losses were caused by people moving away. Gallup’s survey found that 20% of Americans intend to move within the next year. This includes almost 30% of those under 40. It is also a great time to look for a job.

Crapuchettes reports that companies like Citadel, Boeing, and Tesla are moving to better business climates. In addition, 90% of tech companies report a return to remote working to reduce costs. These trends, he says, could make 2023 the year that freedom-minded workers can take advantage of a persistent shortage of workers to live and work in areas that are aligned with their values. Get your resume polished up. You might be able to escape the woke workplace in 2023.