Trump Shines on ‘Gutfeld’ with Hilarious and Heartwarming Performance


Donald Trump, the former president of the United States, seems to be full of boundless energy. This is despite the many attacks he has received and despite two failed assassination efforts.

He was on Long Island in New York for a rally, and took time to give a birthday gift to a boy with a mental disorder. Prior to the rally he appeared on Greg Gutfeld’s show. After all the events, it’s difficult to imagine how he manages to keep everything together. But he was in good shape and had a great time on the show.

Kamala Harris would never be able to do it because you have to be spontaneous. Trump, on the other hand, is open and funny by nature. Gutfeld’s introduction of him was a hit with the audience: “Let’s crank up to 11 for presidents 45 and 47!”

Gutfeld mentioned his golf game. The second assassination occurred earlier that week at Trump International Golf Club, West Palm Beach in Florida. Trump replied, “I haven’t thought about it much in the last few days.” He joked, “I’ve always said that golf is a dangerous game.”

Gutfeld asked Gutfeld if he had known the suspect was in that area, would he have attempted to kill him with his 3 wood? Trump agreed. Then he praised the Secret Service Agent who fired on the suspect after spotting the barrel of his gun.

He said that he had been through two attacks against him. “We’re getting very good at it. I don’t wish to shout it out loud. He called the woman who noticed something was amiss and obtained the license plate number of the suspect a “heroine” and “very smart.”

Gutfeld pointed out that both Kamala and Joe Biden had called to wish him a good day, which was in conflict with their claim that he was an existential threat.

Trump jokingly said he had no choice when asked how he handled the attempted attacks. He said it was “a dangerous job.” As he gazed up at heaven, he said he had been “very fortunate” so far or that “something greater than us all.” Trump thought, “Something, or someone, is watching over us up there.” Tyrus jokingly said, “I think that he is voting for you.”

Trump said that the Butler’s attempt made him more aware of God, because he would not be where he is today if he had not turned just at the right time in response to a discussion about immigration charts. Gutfeld joked that his ratings could be lower.

Trump explained the sound of the bullet clipping his ear. He then described how he showed Gutfled the wound at the RNC. “Whom am I going show it to?” Trump quipped. “Well, if I want to do that, then let’s show it with Gutfled!” Tyrus asked you how you got him to see your ears, as Trump is taller than Gutfeld and Gutfeld shorter. Trump responded, “I sat on a low-back chair.”

Gutfeld discussed how the media blames Trump for his attacks, but fails to see their own part [in demonizing Trump]. Trump talked about the unfairness of the media’s inclusion in the debate. He joked ABC’s David Muir had “better hair five years ago.” He then pointed out that the moderators did not do a good job of “fact-checking” things like crimes, which he had been right about. Kamala Harris was not checked on her lies over the “bloodbaths” and “fine” people hoaxes.

Trump made a joke about Joe Biden’s poor performance in the first debate and asked if they would swap him out if Harris performed badly. “Let us have another one!” He said that the only thing he regrets is not having reacted to the moderators.

Trump talked about his efforts to secure the border, the slogan “Make America Great again” and Biden’s attacks on MAGA supporters. Who would attack someone who wants to make America great again? He asked.

Now Harris is joining Biden. He joked that Venezuelan gangs were destroying real estate in Aurora and said “their little cards is a bullet.”

Trump said that Kamala was trying to change her positions in order to appear more moderate. Now she is changing her policies on things such as fracking and firearms.

The clip ends when he mentions that Tim Walz and the brothers of Barack Obama are supporting him. Then Tyrus blew the roof off.

Tyrus replied, “To be fair a lot brothers will support you.”

Trump told another story about his only conversation with Tim Walz. Walz, he said, was worried about the protesters carrying American flags around the Minnesota governor’s office. Funny, he seems more upset about this than about the BLM and Antifa people who destroyed parts of Minneapolis. Trump still helped him.

There was also this funny story about Trump giving RFK Jr.’s family a lift to Florida, even though RFK Jr. was suing Trump.

Even As He Was Suing Former President

Trump explained that the Teamsters have a long history of supporting the Democratic candidate, and they refused to do so for Kamala Harris. They’ve done this without fail over the past decades. He highlighted how he received 60 percent — specifically 59.6 per cent — to Kamala’s 34 per cent in their electronic survey of members.

This is even more shocking because it may give a glimpse into the voting patterns of some of these same people in the Rust Belt. It’s telling if the Democrats lose Teamsters rank and file.

Tyrus then had a wonderful gift for Trump. He gave him a championship buckle and thanked him, calling Trump the “People’s Champion.” I believe he was very touched by it.