The People Vs. Cynthia Abcug, Who Is the Conspiracy Theorist?


Cynthia Abcug, who is currently on trial in Douglas County in Colorado, stated that Monday was the first time she’d been able “to put any evidence before a court”. Abcug, who was dubbed the “Qanon mom” by all major Big Media outlets from sea to shining sea is charged with medical abuse and conspiring to kidnap her son after he was taken from them. PJ Media was the first publication that reported on Abcug’s fight with Colorado’s Department of Human Services CPS Division in 2019.

All information about Abcug that has been published after this point should be discarded as it is false news. It’s best to not read it. If you have, don’t believe it. This week, you will hear all of the evidence that Big Media has ignored or suppressed. Our friends at PJ Media published all the evidence from the trial three years back. It’s not possible for the media to miss it. They simply ignored it because they didn’t think it fit their “Qanon Bogeyman” story.

The trial began with pre-trial motions. Gary Dawson, the prosecutor, and Ara Ohanian, the defense attorney, fought over the state’s right to present Abcug’s legal gun purchase as evidence against the defendant. Ohanian called Dawson’s theory that a gun can be used to identify a criminal a “huge stretch.”

Judge Patricia Herron ruled that gun purchase would be permitted in front of the jury.

Ohanian also stated to the court that the defense has been denied access to Abcug’s star witness, Hannah, who was a minor at the time of the witness account. She is now an adult. Ohanian stated, “Her guardian-ad Litem (GAL), will not allow us to talk to her!” “Her GAL became her attorney–I don’t know how this happened, but we can’t talk to her, but the prosecution has these discussions with her.”

Dawson stated that he had not received any new information from the defense during the conversations withheld. When Dawson was questioned, he said that he didn’t know what the star witness would say on the stand. Dawson stated, “The case is four years old now so I don’t really know what she’s going on about.” Ohanian said she would move for a mistrial or dismissal if Hannah provides any additional information.

Dawson’s epic fable started in earnest during jury selection. Three people requested to be excused from Judge Herron’s reading of the state’s charges statement. Near tears, one woman told Judge Herron that she had been the victim of child abuse by a woman. She could not remain impartial because she was triggered. Other members of the pool had deep and personal discussions about their concerns regarding the handling of a case that involved “knowingly and recklessly inflicting injury” to a child. The room was moody and dark.

It was surprising that Dawson didn’t offer a warning to those in need of Dawson’s dramatizations of sexual abuse, considering Colorado is one the most awakened states in the country.

Dawson opened his statement after the 13 brave souls, seven women and five men, with one alternate, were selected to confront this horrible trauma. After raising three children, Abcug claimed that she “drugged” her seven-year-old son with Topamax, an antiseizure medication (that she could only get through doctors’ prescriptions), and subjected him to too many tests. She also demanded a spinal tap and lied about seizures. When she was arrested, she disappeared. The gun was missing as well as Qanon bracelets and a Qanon person, “Ryan,” which was written in black sharpie on the calendar

Dawson waved his arms like a lunatic, “Ryan!” “The diseases she claimed he had, he doesn’t have, and the treatment was unnecessary. It could be dangerous!”

It would have been even more bizarre if Dawson had posted this screed to a message board on 4chan.

Just as the gallery began to wonder if they were really in a courthouse, but had stumbled into a Qanon meeting up, Dawson sat down. Defense counsel Brian Hall began fiddling with a computer that was not cooperative and would not project his PowerPoint. Dawson offered to let Hall use the dongle. This was a move Hall may have nightmares about for many years.

Dawson’s story fell apart as soon as Hall began his presentation and the technology started to work.

Hall stated that this case was about a single mother raising a child with complex medical history. Slide after slide of a devastating timeline followed, which blew Dawson’s conspiracy theory to shreds. Dawson claimed that Abcug was not sick or had any medical issues. Hall, however, presented a list of medical incidents that were witnessed by family members and doctors. This is in direct contradiction to Dawson’s claim that Abcug’s child never got sick. Dawson just told the jury that Abcug was the only one who witnessed her son’s problems.

When the child was a baby, his first fever-induced seizure occurred in 2012. He also had several other medical events, including sleepy episodes, unresponsiveness to his doctor, recording doctors notes about speech delays, missed milestones, and swallowing difficulties. The child has been hospitalized multiple times over the years. Doctors ordered extensive testing in 2016 and discovered multiple abnormalities via EEG testing, but no diagnosis.

After examining him, doctors at renowned children’s hospitals in Florida decided that Topamax was the best option after two other medications failed to help. Topamax can cause muscle weakness, learning difficulties, and dizziness. It can also cause tingling in the hands and feet, mental slowness, memory issues, fatigue, loss of coordination, muscle weakness, memory problems, memory problems, mental slowness, and other serious side effects. It is difficult to wean off the drug and can be hard to come off. Abcug’s son was on this medication for two years.

The next step was the formation of teams of Colorado-based doctors who attempted to determine what was causing the complex condition. Dr. Abigail Collins started to make progress and discovered that Topamax was the cause of the child’s worsening symptoms. The child was then diagnosed with epilepsy, possibly autism.

Contrary to Dawson’s claims genetic testing did not show “normal”, but rather something called GAMTG. This rare disorder can cause severe developmental delays and impaired or absent speech. More than 90% of those who have it experienced febrile seizures as infants.

Abcug told DHS about the physical therapy her son was undergoing. He also reported Abcug to DHS for medical abuse.

The most damaging slide for the prosecution was Dr. Collins’ letter to Abcug, which PJ Media published in 2019.

“Unfortunately my opinion is irrelevant to DHS, and they have made their own decisions regarding this case without my input. You should attend every medical appointment, even if he’s not in your custody. We will continue to wean Topamax.”

DHS didn’t allow Abcug access to those appointments and she is still prohibited from speaking to any family members who have contact with her son.

Although it is possible that Abcug’s son does not have muscle weakness or developmental delays, Dawson should be aware that Collins and Abcug worked together to relieve him from the medication that was causing them. Abcug didn’t give up after years of heartache, sickness, and struggle. All of it is documented in hospital records. It makes you wonder what a parent should do.

Fear of being accused of neglect, we are all afraid to not listen to our doctors. Abcug was diligent and did what the doctors requested. She was punished with five months in county jail, $250,000 bail, humiliation by fake news coverage calling her a domestic terrorist, and three days more listening to Dawson continue his journey down the rabbit hole.

In this instance, the real conspiracy theory is not that a grieving mother trusted the wrong people to get her son back from the Douglas County DHS workers who refused the child’s doctors. The real conspiracy lies in the length Dawson and Colorado went to avoid facing the consequences of their actions to Cynthia Abcug.

Witness testimony will begin Tuesday and we will be present in the courtroom throughout the week.