Texas A&M Faculty Doubles-Down on Policy Discriminating Against Hiring Asians


In the Lone Star State, Woke university faculty members are the center of attention in a new story about the problems with progressive left’s push to promote diversity, equity and inclusion on campus. This could lead to the unwarranted legal jeopardy of a once-renowed educational institution over race. Even Texas A&M faculty leaders warn that this is already happening.

On Monday, the Texas A&M University faculty Senate endorsed an affirmative action program. This affirmative-action program is currently being investigated by the Texas Department of Justice for using taxpayer funds to hire non-white or non-Asian staff.

Despite a class action complaint against TAMU filed on Sept. 10, alleging that the university’s Accountability Climate, Equity and Scholarship Plus (ACES Plus) program violates federal law, “prohibiting universities that accept federal funding from discriminating on the basis of race or sex”, TAMU faculty senators voted 54-12 to support the project.

The lawsuit also claims ….

….The university violates Title VI and Title IX federal Civil Rights Act and 14th Amendment’s equal protection Clause by creating and isolating faculty positions for racial groups deemed “underrepresented”.

The complaint claims that this is proven by an email exchange between a professor and Shane A. Johnson, Thomas W. Leland Memorial chair in Finance. Johnson confirmed that his department had reserved a spot for an “underrepresented minority” faculty member in the email exchange.

Adam Kolsinski (another faculty member on The Federalist’s senate) points out the obvious discrimination occurring here and raises concern about the legal implications for the school.

Kolasinski claims that this program effectively excludes potential Asian faculty “for the next decade.”

Kolasinski expressed concern that the university is increasing its focus on a policy that is clearly a legal liability for the school. This has yet to be resolved in court.