NYPD Warns Columbia Students: Leave Now as ‘Outside Agitators’ Co-opt Protests


New York City officials claim that “outside activists” known to police officers for many years, have hijacked anti-Israel demonstrations at Columbia University.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams stated that these agitators who are not affiliated with Columbia University “are actively creating public safety issues during these protests.”

“Maybe some of the students don’t know what they are doing. We ask anyone who is violating Columbia’s orders to leave immediately. If you are the parent or guardian for a student, call them and ask them to leave before the situation gets worse,” Adams said. He noted that the individuals involved “have a track record of trying to escalate these situations and create chaos.”

“They are not here to promote unity or peace, or to allow peaceful demonstrations of one voice. They’re here to cause discord and division.” Adams said, “I urge every student to leave this situation.”

Edward Caban, the commissioner of public safety in Ontario, said that agitators are changing their tactics to a degree “that is endangering the public’s safety.”

He said that while protesting was important to democracy, the NYPD would “never tolerate violence or property damage” nor disruption of emergency services.

He told parents to “be mindful of where your children are.”

Be aware of their involvement. “If you’re not sure, contact them, the NYPD and the University,” he said. “I take this situation very seriously.” “You should also take this situation very seriously.”

Caban stated that the authorities are “constantly in dialog” with Columbia University officials, and are prepared to help when necessary. However, they have not received any formal requests to intervene.

Officials played a video showing individuals in Black Bloc clothing breaking into Hamilton Hall at the University and destroying its property.

The latest in a series of nationwide demonstrations against the Israel/Hamas conflict, dozens of protesters took control of a building in New York’s Columbia University early on Tuesday morning. They barricaded the entrances and unfurled a Palestinian flag in a window. The school warned that they would be expelled.

The takeover took place nearly 12 hours after the Monday deadline of 2 p.m. for protesters to leave a 120-tent encampment or face suspension.