Musk Lights up Media After Biden White House Makes Troubling Admission on Twitter Monitoring


John Kirby, a spokesperson for the National Security Council, dominated Monday’s press briefing. Many questions were posed to him about why the White House didn’t condemn the ongoing protests in China. He cited China’s strict zero-COVID policies and subsequent crackdowns by Chinese authorities.

Kirby’s words were the subject of Kirby’s press secretary Karine Jean Pierre’s troubling comments to a question regarding Elon Musk’s Twitter reign.

Jean-Pierre was questioned by a reporter about remarks made “by a researcher from Stanford” concerning the need to “ensure Twitter does not become a vector for misinformation” under Musk.

Jean-Pierre asked the reporter after he highlighted Musk’s tweet on Saturday pointing out that Twitter account sign-ups were at an all-time high. Jean-Pierre then was asked if the Biden White House was worried and if so, what tools were they using to “keep track” of developments.

KJP replied:

“So let’s just say this: We are watching closely to make sure that misinformation does not spread.”

We are all closely watching this. What you report and what is going on on Twitter.

“Social media companies have an obligation to not allow anyone to incite violence through their platforms.” “This is especially true when violence is directed at particular communities, as we have seen.”


Musk responded on Twitter by shaming the reporter who agreed that Twitter needed to be monitored by the federal government. He then asked, “Why are so many media people against freedom of speech?” This is absurd.

While it is true that the reporter was asking such a question “messed up”, KJP said that officials from the Biden Administration were “continuing to monitor” the situation as though there was a threat to national security.

Although open dialogue poses a threat to some aspects of the country’s interest, I must admit that it is also a threat to the success and political future of the Democratic party. Trump’s and Biden’s Democratic leaders admitted that they worked with Big Tech to continue censoring and punishing people who WrongThink — just for having a different opinion on certain topics.

Simply put Any communication tool Democrats don’t control is a threat to their party’s future.

Elon Musk is a free-thinking individual who has signaled that he is committed to the long-term, regardless of what happens. This is good news for independent-minded people, but bad news for those being suspected by The Usual Karens Suspects or the far left.