Michigan Judge Orders Cornel West on Ballot in Pivotal Ruling


A Michigan judge has ruled that independent presidential candidate Cornel West must appear on Michigan’s ballot.

According to a decision shared on Saturday by the Fair Election Fund watchdog group, Judge James Robert Redford found that officials in Michigan were “ordered” to list West and his running-mate Melina Abdullah as independent candidates.

Redford wrote:

The state defendants must qualify West and Abdullah for the ballot as independent candidates, provided that the Board of State Canvassers has not determined they are disqualified following a review of their signatures on qualifying petitions, and West is in compliance with MCL 168.590d(2).

The Fair Election Fund stated that the “voter suppression” efforts of Michigan Secretary Jocelyn Benson were “overturned, resulting in a victory for democracy and a defeat for Democrats.”

The group posted, “Judge Redford just ruled @CornelWest has to be on the Michigan ballot.”

Redford’s decision comes after Michigan election officials denied West access to ballots, citing notary problems, according to the Washington Post.

West’s campaign responded by announcing that they would appeal the decision.

“Victory in Michigan!” “We brought thousands of voices to the table and the court listened. They rejected the technical challenges by the Democrats,” West wrote on X. This is a victory for democracy, for all those who fight for truth, justice and love. Onward!”

According to The Washington Examiner, Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court judge Renee Cohn Jubelirer decided on Friday that West’s name could not be placed on the Pennsylvania ballot. She sided with the Pennsylvania Secretary of State, who had rejected the paperwork West submitted in support of his candidacy.

The Secretary of State for Maine recently decided that West could appear on the Maine ballot. Maine residents had challenged West’s inclusion on the ballot twice.