Kinzinger’s DNC Speech Exposes the Disturbing Truth About Never Trumpers


Adam Kinzinger was a former representative who repeatedly called himself a “Conservative” at the DNC, and then referred to as “Republican” until the words became like nails on a chalkboard. We were irritated and frustrated by it.

He said, “I’m Adam Kinzinger. I am proud to stand with you and our sometimes awkward alliance to defend truth, democracy, and decency. ”

He then went on to sing the praises of the Democratic party and blast the Republicans, who he claims are “no longer conservative” (does he even know what that word means?), pretending like the two parties are equally great parties who love America and want what’s best for it.

The DNC’s display was confusing. It is especially coming from a group that supports groups that burn American Flags and narratives that erase our positive past. They also support groups who refuse to stand for the national song.

Kinzinger’s speech was a perfect example of everything wrong with Never Trumpers. He would put aside the policies and everything the party stands for. This will have a lasting effect on Americans and our nation. He did it because he didn’t like Donald Trump.

Trump is one of today’s most controversial figures. He was not the Republican nominee in 2016, and many loyal Republicans had serious reservations.

Voting for Harris is to support the radical leftist agenda that is being implemented in our public schools.

Kinzinger should refrain from using the word “conservative” in light of these facts. This is a lesson that we all can learn. Anybody who places the future of the party in the hands of one individual either does not understand the movement or lacks the convictions to lead.