Kamala Harris’ Shocking New Union Endorsement Turns Heads


It’s a common saying that you can tell a lot about a person based on the people they hang out with.

Even when Kamala doesn’t like to talk about herself, the endorsements that she gets can tell a lot about who she is.

Liz and Dick Cheney as well as Hollywood celebrities and even Vladimir Putin, the Russian leader, have all endorsed Harris. If you hadn’t run screaming away from her, that would be enough to tell you all you need to know.

The IRS Agents Union has just endorsed Kamala, and it’s raising eyebrows.

As MRC points out:

Harris’s vote for the Inflation Reduction Act broke a Senate deadlock and increased the IRS budget to $80 billion. This allowed the IRS to hire 87,000 additional employees, while also increasing union membership.

Americans for Tax Reform (ATR), a group that advocates tax reform, has this to say:

“Harris’ proposed tax increases will kill private sector jobs but create jobs for IRS agents.”

Agents are certainly appreciative of her desire to expand the IRS and make it more powerful if she is elected president. The agents will be hired to implement the $5 trillion in tax increases Harris wants to impose within the next decade.

ATR is also found:

The IRS Agents’ Union contributed 97% of its political contributions to Democrats during the 2022 election cycle. The union contributed $635,170 in total to Democrats for the 2022 election cycle.

The endorsement of the Kamala supporters X “Kamala Wins” account was a clueless one.

This is the best example of how Kamala is out of touch with Americans.

This endorsement was viewed as disconcerting by many people, especially since the agents were supposed to work for an objective government organization. Some pointed out that people’s negative feelings towards the IRS were what made this a Trump win. Plus, who would vote for someone just because IRS agents endorse them? You would get the exact opposite reaction.