Jill Biden’s Expression During Joe’s Speech Speaks Volumes


Joe Biden delivered a confusing speech at the White House Wednesday evening, which was meant to explain why he had dropped out of running for the presidency in 2024. He had such little respect for Americans that he did not even mention the reason why he left the race. Instead, he said he quit to “unite the party” and “save the democracy.” He was admitting that he did it to improve their chances of winning the election. This was a cynical assault on democracy that threw the votes of millions of Americans under the bus. He tried convincing us that he “saved democracy” by eventually caving into the attack against democracy.

Even for him, his pupils were dilated, and he slurred badly. He told me he had decided that the best thing to do was “pass the torch on to a younger generation.” No, you’re not a king, and you can’t decide who will take over. They left him there in the primary and told everyone that he was fine and was the best choice. The Democrats wanted to switch him out after everyone voted for his candidacy and realized that they would lose. In the meantime, Kamala was spared the primary. He thinks that he can crown her without any vote. Even BLM doesn’t buy that strategy.

One of the things I found most striking in all of this — aside from the Democrats’ belief that they could get away with it — was the look on the faces all the Bidens wore now that they are about to lose their power, especially Jill and Hunter. After all that Joe has put the country through, I have no sympathy for them. They don’t seem happy that their grip on power will soon be ending. That’s great.

The expression on Jill’s face in the two photos below says it all – she is so upset.

Ashley embraces Joe.

How did the media cover all of this manipulation?

Robert Costa, CBS.

A powerful photo. The hand toward his father’s face. The eyes. Put aside politics and everything related for a moment, and viewed simply on a human level, you see two men, father and son, still at each other’s side, more than a half-century since the darkness of Dec. 18, 1972.

The words that come to mind are snort, mutter, and bootlicking. Who is responsible for putting the votes of people in the trash? Where are the questions regarding the money and alleged influence peddling? This is a perfect example of why the public no longer trusts the media.

Jill Biden had some final thoughts which she expressed in a letter.

To those who never wavered, to those who refused to doubt, to those who always believed, my heart is full of gratitude.Thank you for the trust you put in Joe—now it’s time to put that trust in Kamala. Love, Jill

What about all of you who kicked Joe out? I won’t acknowledge you because we only acknowledge people who support our narrative. In these few words, she makes it clear that she is upset about being told to leave. What could one believe when Biden harmed Americans with his actions? The fact that Kamala complied with this is enough to make you not vote for her. She’s also a lousy candidate. Jill will have to learn to deal with not being in the spotlight, and no one is more deserving.