Is Biden Facing a Blue State Backlash? Mockery Ensues Over Sparse Attendance at Event


On Tuesday, I asked about Joe Biden’s visit to New Hampshire: Why is Biden going right in the middle of the campaign when New Hampshire shouldn’t be a place he should even be concerned about? It hasn’t turned red since Al Gore won in 2000.

As I mentioned, recent polling by the NH Journal/Praecones Analytica Poll showed them almost at par with Trump slightly ahead of 36.6 to 36.5. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is at 14. Undecided voters are at 12.4%, while Robert F. Kennedy Jr is at 14. Biden was 6.5 points ahead of the RCP average in January’s prior polling.

I wrote about how he could not pronounce the name of the PACT Act when he visited New Hampshire. He didn’t impress anyone at all with his words.

The reaction he could generate or not generate to his speech was interesting. Normal people would expect someone who is supposedly the leader of the world to be able to draw large crowds. Some people thought that there would be more tables, people, and excitement on bingo night at the senior center. It seemed like he could not even fill the room. This is a sad performance.

The speech was attended by a select few people.

The NH Journal reported that there were many more Trump supporters outside the building than inside.

The NH Journal pointed out that comparing it with bingo isn’t fair because bingo is fun.

Biden worked the crowd after his speech by taking pictures and wearing his iconic aviator shades. The usual celebrity buzz usually generated by big-time politicians was absent. Democratic operatives talked in corners. Karine Jean Pierre was distractedly texting on her iPhone. When asked about the poll that showed Biden struggling in New Hampshire she said she could not address something so overtly partisan and suggested Rep. Annie Kuster who was standing nearby.

Kuster replied with “no comment” and then fled quickly.

So it was. Biden did not issue a rallying cry to patriots urging them to support his cause. There was no “The only poll which matters is the one on Election Day!” and there was no “New Hampshire is Biden Country.” Instead, political hacks were avoiding questions while looking for the nearest exit.

When the event was over, a reporter confused asked: “That was bad, wasn’t that?” What was the point?

Can you “feel” the excitement?

Biden’s mockery was swift and furious. Keith Ammon, a state representative from New Hampshire, asked if the two were still “practicing social distance?”