Hung Cao Dominates Tim Kaine in Fiery Virginia Senate Debate


Hung Cao is a long shot, considering the dynamics of Virginia’s electoral system. He’s still doing his best to unseat the incumbent Democrat Senator Tim Kaine.


Cao was asked the usual slanted Republican questions at such events. He was asked if he would support the mass deportation of “undocumented” immigrants.



MODERATOR: Mr. Cao you have supported the removal of undocumented immigrants who have committed violent crimes. Do you support the mass deportation of all undocumented migrants? You only have 60 seconds.


CAO: Immigration has a special place in my heart. We had nowhere else to go when Vietnam fell. America took us in and my parents stood in line for seven long years to receive our citizenship. My dad’s naturalization certificate was the last thing he had on his bed two years ago when he died. I loved this country so deeply that I gave a blank cheque up to and including the end of my life to defend it for 25 years, whether I was in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Somalia.


I have a few things to say for anyone interested in coming here. You can’t have the American Dream if you don’t want to follow American laws and accept American culture. This is the most important thing to consider when entering this country. You should leave if you are a violent criminal and have come illegally. Last week, we learned that 13,000 murderers and 16 000 convicted rapists crossed the border under their supervision. That’s unacceptable. Every day we need to protect Americans, and I did that.


You’re welcome, Mr. Cao. But, do you support the mass deportation of all [un]documented immigrants? This was the question. You have 30 seconds for your response.



You’re essentially ruining the system if you come here illegally. Some people, like my family, have been waiting for their naturalization documents for seven years. You can’t skip the line. What do you expect to happen if you go to Costco, and skip the line? You know what, you can’t expect to live the American Dream if you’re not willing to accept American laws and American culture. This is what I did.


This gotcha question is getting old. First, illegal immigrants aren’t “undocumented” because they are documented at the border before being released by the federal government into the interior as part of the Biden and Harris parole plan. Second, we can debate all day whether or not the 19,999.999th illegal immigrant in this country should be deported. However, hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants have committed other crimes than crossing the border. Why don’t we start with that?


It’s the same dumb game that Democrats play when it comes to abortion. They are trying to play the margins game when the obvious, common-sense solution is right in front of us. How about, before anyone starts arguing about “exceptions” to abortion laws, we discuss why abortions are so common? Before we obsess over “family separations” or people who have been in the U.S. for 30 years, let’s deport criminals who are illegal immigrants and those who are more recent.


Cao, in addition to handling some of Kaine’s biased questions throughout the evening, also managed to lob a few jabs at him.




The audience laughed at the joke about Asians learning math. He is also right about the state of the nation. Democrats may have talked about being concerned about the little guy but they sure created an economic system where the wealthy get even richer, while the average American struggles to afford groceries and can’t buy a home due to high interest rates and inflation.


Kaine has been a part of the Beltway for decades. Cao, on the other hand, served his country with honor and sacrificed his life. In a race such as this, you’d think that would count for something. You’d hope.


Cao was honest about his military service and the use of drag queens by the military for recruitment. This happened in mid-2023, and it is only one example of how the wokeness has infected the armed services. It has led to a manpower crisis.



It’s a fair way to say it. I’m not sure how this will be received by the general public, given how alien military culture can seem to many. But he isn’t wrong. The military is more interested in checking off diversity boxes right now than it is in putting together the most skilled and ruthless fighting force. Drag queens are not likely to be the best recruiters. We have the leadership of the military making jokes about the different branches.


Here’s a second time Cao slapped Kaine.



I don’t think Cao will win, but it’s still worth a try. It’s time for another Glenn Youngkin-style upset in Virginia. Kaine is a useless Democrat rubber stamp. Cao is a leader who has proven himself to be capable.