Greg Abbott Reveals the Real Reason He Sent Migrants to NYC: ‘Eric Adams Had It Coming’


Final score: Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott: 1, embattled NYC Democrat Mayor Eric Adams: 0.

In an exclusive interview given to the New York Post, Texas Governor Greg Abbott revealed that he initially had no intention of busing illegal aliens to New York City. Greg Abbott stated that he had initially no intention to bus illegal aliens into New York City. NYC Mayor Eric Adams then opened his mouth.

Abbott said that initially, he sent buses of illegals from the border to Washington, D.C. to show his disapproval of the Biden-Harris Administration’s refusal to stop the surge in illegal crossings and to ease the pressure on the border towns which were under siege. Then Adams screwed up:

“Out of nowhere, Mayor Adams started criticizing me for busing them to New York, which I was not doing. But he kept criticizing me.”

Oops, Eric.

Abbott said that as a result of this, he has decided to send 119,000 illegal immigrants from Texas to sanctuary cities run by Democrats in 2022. This includes more than 45,000 people in New York, but also in Chicago, Los Angeles, and Denver.



Abbott repeated as if to slap Adams in the face once more:

I thought to myself, “You know what? New York is considered a sanctuary city. If I was going to be the one to receive the criticism, then I would also get the credit. So, we began busing the refugees to New York.

Adams deserved every second of it.

The Texas Governor claimed that his busing illegals helped other states and the nation understand that the Biden-Harris Crisis was not just an issue for Texas or border states.

This process helped people all over the country to realize that this was not just a Texas problem. This is an issue that affects the entire United States. It made them concentrate on the political issue at all levels, from the local council to the president. This is not just a Texas problem. This is an issue that affects the United States and was caused by Biden’s administration.

Adams, however, had a very different view. A spokesperson for City Hall told the Post:

Over the past two years, Governor Abbott used migrants as political pawns. He sent thousands to New York City with no communication or coordination.

Texas, Arizona, and Florida suffered border surges after border surges throughout the miserable Biden/Harris administration, without any communication or coordination.

Abbott said Texas couldn’t afford to continue with an open-borders policy for another four years, as he and everyone in the United States knows. This would be true for both Republicans and Democrats if Kamala Harriman wins the election.



The Texas taxpayers will be paying far more than 10 billion dollars to cover border security due to the refusal of the Biden and Harris administrations to secure our border.

The governor claimed that the “border czar,” as Harris has now vehemently denied she is, not only “ignored the crisis” but also ignored previous requests to visit the border:

She has never even responded. A Kamala Harris presidency could destroy Texas.

Harris’s transparent border trip on Friday was laughable. While Democrats and leftists are by nature hypocrites, Harris’s trip to the border on Friday was not only transparent but also blatant. She barely spoke while she was there and even the National Border Patrol Council condemned her for what was essentially a campaign event.

In a speech, Harris claimed that she had a plan for fixing the border crisis she and Biden created as soon as they entered the White House.


The hypocrisy displayed by the Democrat Party is beyond comprehension. From supporting so-called sanctuary towns to shipping illegals as quickly as possible out of these cities to opposing ending the border crisis three and a half years ago, to flip-flopping on a hot griddle, claiming that they have a solution, their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

You already know that.