False Rape Accuser Gets 8 Years in Prison in the UK for Making Up Attack


There is nothing worse than placing an innocent man in jail. Eleanor Williams sent several innocent men to prison for a rape that never took place. Williams was caught buying the hammer she used to inflict horrific injuries on herself, proving once more that we can’t just believe all women as feminists who created the #MeToo movement would like for us to.

Williams also blamed an “Asian Rape Gang”, playing on the fears and anxieties of Muslims who are trying to adjust to the UK’s immigration from their home countries. This action fuelled fear and division between Muslims in England and non-Muslims. She also accused white men, who claim their lives were also destroyed. Three of her victims attempted suicide. Although the Daily Mail did not know how many men Williams’ lies affected, it appears that they were substantial.

Williams hit herself in the head with a hammer and then posted horrifying photos to Facebook claiming that she had been brutally raped in 2020. Her post was shared more than 100,000 times. It led to dangerous protests, including activism by Tommy Robinson, a well-known camera hound, and provocateur. As a result, it was reported that 150 crimes had been committed in Barrow-in-Furness, where Williams lived.

Williams alleged that her father, Mohammed Ramzan, a restaurant owner, groomed her at the tender age of twelve and sex-trafficked her. Ramzan tried to end his life due to the terror and stress of his imprisonment. Her lies caused great harm to his family and community.

Following the hearing, Mr. Ramzan stated that he didn’t feel any triumph and only felt sadness outside of court.

‘I’m not sure how the family and I are going to recover from this. Mud sticks and I fear it may take some time.’

As he spoke from the witness booth, Mr. Ramzan was in tears and said that two weeks after Williams’s arrest, he had attempted to end his own life.

He stated, “I still bear the scars of that day.”

After he and his family were allegedly targeted in a most horrendous manner’, Mr. Ramzan claimed that his property was damaged and his businesses were ‘ruined.

‘We had messages like people are going to rape my wife in front of me. From Islamophobia to racism, to just general hate – people wishing me dead,’ he said.

“My children kept fire extinguishers and baseball bats near their beds to ensure their safety, as we were constantly being threatened. People wanted to set fire to my shops and burn us down.

“We had our rental properties destroyed in the town.” “Is this the kind of persecution that happens today in a small town with only a few Asians that everyone knows?

“They have all dealt with me. Because I have been in the food business. I have fed them all, the children and the adults as well as the grandparents…and they turned against me.

In times like these, I would like to take #MeToo activists and #BelieveWomen advocates on a field trip to see the true consequences of refusing evidence and taking “victims at their word” instead. Jordan Trengrove tried to kill himself.

After Williams falsely accused him of rape, Jordan Trengove spent some time in custody and told reporters that he would sue the police.

He stated that he doesn’t believe Williams showed any remorse and added: “I don’t think this sentence is long enough for what she did to all of us.”

William’s accusations claimed that Mr. Trengove’s life had been ‘utterly destroyed’.

His window was broken and the word “rapist” had been spray-painted all over his house.

After he was charged following Williams’s claims, he said he spent 73 days in prison, where he shared a cell with a convicted sex offender.

He said: ‘Things had calmed down a bit until the Facebook post in 2020.

“This made it even worse for me. Barrow saw many protests and marches. My lowest moment was in August 2020, when I attempted to end my own life.

Oliver Gardner, a third man, tried to end his own life. False allegations can have a significant impact on people’s lives. Read the entire story in the DM. For more shocking stories about women making false allegations, see the book Believe Evidence: From Salome to #MeToo. The most disturbing thing about the cases covered is that none of the women faced any punishment like jail time. Williams’ victims feel that eight years is too long for them, but they are actually very grateful she was given any time at all.

False accusers are rarely ever charged in America with falsely reporting to the police. One case that I covered in the book involved a woman whose identity is unknown because New York put two men in jail for over twenty years. The state didn’t charge her with making false reports and sealed the case because it called her a “victim of sexual abuse”. Even though she had admitted to lying, the investigation is closed. It’s outrageous.

Although eight years may not seem like a lot for the damage Williams went through, it is better than nothing. Williams did not tell the court what she did. She still claims that some of it happened to Williams despite physical evidence of her lying. This story demonstrates that women can commit horrifically horrible acts. It is foolish to attribute any moral superiority to someone based on their sex. Look at the evidence, and fight for the rights of the accused to keep their innocence until they are proven guilty in court.