Doocy Confronts WH on Kamala’s ‘Fake Accent’—KJP’s Fiery Response Stuns


Kamala Harris has learned something from Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden: how to embellish things to suit your audience.

Hillary Clinton resorted to the hot sauce story and a fake Southern Accent. Biden, on the other hand, went headlong into fantasy and fabricated stories to reach his audience. He tried to be everything for everyone, instead of being himself. This is a clear sign of his insecurity.

I don’t know what’s up with Harris changing her accent. Others speculate that she is acting oddly to appeal to her audience. You can read about it before. It’s amazing how different the two accents are when the same line is delivered in two cities on the same date.

Many have compared the accent to that of “Foghorn leghorn.” It was not her usual speech.

When someone does something like this, it’s perfectly reasonable to wonder what is wrong with them.

Peter Doocy, Fox’s White House reporter on Tuesday asked: Since when has Kamala Harris had a “Southern accent”? Karine Jean Pierre, White House Press Secretary, was so shocked that she pretended to not “know what they were talking about.”

She tried to pretend that Doocy made something up. This is similar to the way the White House denied Biden’s issues before they were nailed at the debate. “Do you understand the questions that you are asking?” She exclaimed. All people are just making up stories. KJP asked him if people cared about these things.

Do you know what their concern is? She asked. They care about the economy. They are concerned about costs. They are concerned about health care. They care about healthcare. She added democracy and freedom to the mix.

Harris also scored poorly on these issues.

KJP stated, “I won’t entertain you at all.” Hearing it sounds ridiculous.

Kamala’s accent is indeed ridiculous. Doocy was there, saying “Well, hearing that..”

KJP, however, is substituting her outrage for any answers she might have — or at least, none she would want to give on behalf of Harris. She said, “It is just crazy.” That’s exactly the problem.

Jean-Pierre said that Harris was not moving forward. Doocy questioned if Harris used this accent during meetings.

She can’t alter the facts of what Kamala said or did — the video and the internet are forever. That’s how the Biden-Harris duo is in a nutshell – they refuse to deliver on reality when it would make them look bad. This is important because it shows just how fake Harris is. She is also a fake when it comes to her policies and flip-flopping. This adds to her untrustworthiness. It’s bizarre.