De-transitioned Former Navy SEAL Accuses Medical Professionals and Counselors of Concealing Dysphoria Information


At some point, there’s going to be a reckoning for a public health scandal that dwarfs anything Anthony “Mr. Science” Fauci and the other Covidcrats did during the pandemic. They at least had the excuse of being in an unprecedented situation and having to make decisions quickly. Not so for the butchers pushing “transitioning” for confused children, nor for their media accomplices

Detransitioners are not able to hide their crimes. They are often hailed for being brave and living their truth.

Chris Beck is not going to go quietly. CNN and other media outlets celebrated the former Navy SEAL’s transition in 2013. “Kristen”, who de-transitioned a year ago, warns the public about the gender industry that keeps parents of kids suffering from gender dysphoria, in the dark.

One of the most important facts overlooked is that 80% of children with gender dysphoria or confusion are treated before or after puberty. When puberty ends, [they] can get rid of the gender confusion.

Eight of ten children confused about their gender are able to be sorted out by time and therapy and not through surgery or chemicals.

Beck, who studied to become a gender-specific counselor for mental health, is well aware of this.

The instructors did not show the complete data when I took the course. They were only coaching me in how to speak to parents.

“Health experts” ignoring inconvenient data? Shocking. Dr. Fauci noticed a change in the Force as if thousands of health bureaucrats had been suddenly scared and silent.

Chris Beck:

A child who is 13-14 years old, and is taking puberty-blocking drugs is chemically castrated. They will not have children when they get older. The information about this isn’t given to them. There are eight of these kids that want to be normal, but won’t ever be able to.

Parents, you need to start paying attention. Don’t let your kids get involved in anything.

You should check what your child is taught at school, including elementary levels. For example, Planned Parenthood might have told them that “supplies” could be useful when puberty occurs. ”

Trans Craze is, at its heart, a fad. Trans Craze is a social media trend that has gained popularity and sympathy among those affected.

There is a pushback. Rasmussen’s survey showed that 62 percent of Americans are in favor of laws that prohibit sex-change surgery on minors. This shouldn’t surprise anyone.

The majority of respondents, even Democrats, supported the laws. About 56 percent of respondents supported laws passed in red states to prohibit the surgical treatments of children with gender Dysphoria.

Texas has taken steps to address this issue. Governor Abbott signed legislation that bans doctors from performing mastectomies, surgeries that sterilize minors, or that remove healthy tissue or body parts. Doctors are also forbidden from prescribing drugs that can cause infertility.

Beck told FNC: “Everything that I have experienced over the last 10 years has destroyed me. “I destroyed my own life, I’m not a victim.”