CIA and FBI Commemorate Pride Month While Branding Catholics and J6 as Domestic Terrorists


The justice system is becoming more partisan under Biden. As the FBI planted plants inside traditional Catholic churches to spy on alleged domestic terrorists and as the FBI targeted Trump and the January 6 protestors, both the FBI and CIA loudly and proudly declared their support for LGBTQ mania.

On June 8, the Central Intelligence Agency announced that “CIA’s theme for #Pride Month is WELCO-ME!” This cute acronym stands for “Wellness Equity LGBT+ community Openness Me!” The CIA said, “Pride Month is an opportunity for us to celebrate the contributions and rich history of our LGBTQ+ officers in their communities and missions as well as the Agency. “#Pride2023”, has nothing whatsoever to do with America’s “first line of defense”.

The FBI started tweeting when Pride Month began, on June 1. The FBI is celebrating #PrideMonth by recognizing the positive impact that our #LGBTQ+ co-workers have made on the Bureau, and across the country.

Despite transgender shooters, violent “transurrections” that have occurred in many state capitols, and the body-mutilating surgery performed on countless young minors who cannot fully understand the choice, Biden’s FBI or CIA do not seem to be aware that LGBTQ ideologues are dangerous.

The FBI made a great effort to find and convict non-violent protesters. They also infiltrated traditional Catholic churches, despite the lack of evidence that they foster violent radicalization. Last year, the FBI conducted a raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home. Trump is Biden’s chief political rival.

We reported earlier in April:

Josh Hawley is a Republican Senator from Missouri who asked Merrick Garland, the Gestapo chief, a few months ago: “Are your cultivating sources and spying in Latin Mass and other Catholic churches around the country?” Garland insisted innocently that “No the Justice Department doesn’t do that”. Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo. Merrick Garland, Gestapo chief, was asked: “Are you cultivating sources and spies in Latin Mass Parochial and other Catholic Parochial throughout the Country?” Garland insisted on his innocence and said that the Justice Department “doesn’t do this, and uh… um… does investigations based on religion.” Garland is now revealed to be a liar. The feds had informants in Catholic churches. The spies were looking for information about the domestic terrorist threat that the Biden administration claims is the biggest threat to the United States today.

Joe Biden’s FBI and CIA do not protect America. While celebrating radical leftists, the FBI and CIA focus on those individuals who are disapproved of by the current administration.