California Funds Sex Change Surgery for Convicted Murderer – Kamala Harris Defends as ‘Humanity at Stake’


Some crime stories stay with you. It’s hard to read stories about children who have been abused, killed, or hurt. It’s also hard to forget. Murder stories can be sensational, but also forgettable. Unfortunately, murders occur every day. A large number of murders are linked to gangs. Murders are committed out of passion. There are also murders committed for money, without any remorse. Without remorse. This was the case in the murders of Thomas Hawks and Jackie Hawks.


Thomas, 57, and Jackie, 47 owned a 55-foot yacht in 2004 named “Well Deserved.” But the couple wanted to spend more quality time with their soon-to-be-born grandchild. They decided to sell the boat. Hawks posted an advertisement for sale, asking $440,000. John Jacobson, 24, a felon who had been convicted, responded to the ad. Jacobson’s pregnant wife and young child were brought to the meeting by Jacobson. The Hawks were initially skeptical. This was all part of a ruse. Jacobson and two criminal buddies arrived at the dock to “test drive” the vehicle. What followed is a shocking tale.


Jacobson, his friends, and Thomas overpowered Jackie and Thomas while they were at sea. The criminals forced the Hawks to sign over their title to “Well Deserved”, and then demanded that they give up the information of their bank accounts. The thugs then tied the couple to their boat’s anchor and pushed them into the water.



After that, the three psychopaths drank beer and went fishing for the rest of the afternoon. After trying to access Hawks’ accounts, they were caught quickly. Jacobson was also tried for a murder that Jacobson committed at the same time. The victim had his throat cut by Jacobson. Jacobson did not dispute that he killed the couple. Jacobson was executed five years after the Hawks struggled for air in the dark depths.


In 2009, the Orange County DA released a press statement:


Skylar Deleon’s pregnant wife Jennifer Deleon planned with him to gain the trust of the Hawks by taking Jennifer Deleon along with their 9-month-old baby to the Hawks boat that Skylar Deleon had staked out three days earlier. The prosecution accuses Gardner of recruiting Kennedy to act as “muscle.” Kennedy was a documented hard-core Los Angeles gangster.


Kennedy, Skylar Deleon, and Machain went to the Hawks on Nov. 15, 2004, under the pretext of testing the boat for possible sale. Kennedy pretended to be Skylar’s “accountant”. Once at sea, Kennedy and Skylar, Deleon, and Machain overpowered and handcuffed the victims, forcing them to sign documents transferring title, then drowned them.



Skylar Deléon, 29, of Long Beach was sentenced to death on April 10, 2009, along with his co-defendant. On Oct. 20, 2008, he was found guilty of three felony charges of special circumstances murders for multiple murders as well as murder for financial gain by a jury. He was previously convicted of a residential burglary in 2003. Skylar Deleon was sentenced to death by a jury on November 6, 2008.


Jacobson is the name of Skylar Deleon. This is the name of his or her. Alas, Jacobson didn’t get death. This sentence was changed to life. Jacobson received another gift from the state of California, and in particular Kamala Harris who is now supporting it. Jacobson said he had been “born in a wrong body,” and so the state paid for him to have sex-change surgery, along with a name change.


What did Harris say about her state’s payment for “sex change” surgeries for psychopaths? She voiced her opposition in 2015 to the state paying for the surgeries of prisoners. She changed her tune (probably because her party went “all in”) and is now fully supportive:


Harris even went as far as to brag that she was a major player in California’s policy change “so every transgender prisoner in the system could receive the medical care they needed and desired,” calling it “an issue for humanity.”



Three weeks remain until the election. She has plenty of time to flip-flop. Then flop again.


Jacobson, who had his body parts removed and fake breasts added to him so he could call himself “Skylar”, is inhumane. The Hawks are still dead. The Hawks are dead. They have been for over 20 years. They never met the grandchild that they wanted to adore because a psychopath, his two psycho buddies, and a murderer murdered them. Why did Jacobson murder the Hawks? Jacobson claimed it was for the sex-change surgery.


Harris says no need to pay for it – it was paid by the state. Jacobson may have lost his manhood, but he gained fake woman parts as well as a supporter who is running for president.


According to Harris, it was an “issue of humanity.”


Jacobson is being transferred to a women’s prison. You know — it’s an issue of humanity.