Johnny Depp Wins Defamation Case Against Amber Heard in Split Decision


The jury in Johnny Depp and Amber Heard threw an unexpected curveball at the public Wednesday afternoon. Judge Penney Azcarate sent them back with damages-included verdict sheets. Depp was given $15 million.

Heard was found guilty of making defamatory statements about the Washington Post. Heard was awarded $2 million by the jury. Heard didn’t win this award. They did not believe that Heard conspired with her friends in order to disrupt her penthouse on the night police were called. Johnny Depp sued Heard for $50 million. He claimed that Heard had lied about him for six years and that she used her false story about violence to get his attention. He was finally vindicated.

After Amber Heard’s accusation of Depp of spousal abuse, her career and prospects rose. The case’s only evidence proved that Heard was the victim, and Depp was the abuser.

When Depp sued The Sun in the UK for defamation, the proceeding was closed to the public and the only news of it came through the same newspapers that were complicit in spreading her tales. If this trial had not been televised, the same thing would have happened here, and, unbelievably, our press continues to try to carry water for Heard even when everyone is laughing at them for trying to make her a sympathetic character.

The public favored Depp from the beginning of the trial but the support grew to astronomical numbers as the trial went on and evidence was presented that showed the opposite of Heard’s abuse claims and showed her to be an unrepentant brazen liar. Heard famously said she donated all $7 million of her divorce settlement to charity and the ACLU. Then both the ACLU and Children’s Hospital Los Angeles revealed she had only given a paltry sum to both that came nowhere near to the $3.5 million that was promised to each. Yet Heard made the rounds in the press claiming she had donated every penny in order to make herself appear that she “wanted nothing” from Depp.

In separate Instagram postings, Depp and Heard responded to the verdict:


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The jury, like us all, recognized that someone who lies about money for sick or dying children would lie about everything. The jury delivered justice with a unanimous guilty verdict.