Pelosi Sticks Her Nose in The Air At Archbishop Who Banned Her From Communion


As we reported, San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone forbade Nancy Pelosi (D.CA), from receiving Communion because of her support for abortion. If her soul is in a state of grave sin, Cordileone won’t allow her to receive Communion.

The left’s reaction was very different. As a pastor and spiritual leader, it is his responsibility to make sure that Pelosi is happy and does not continue to compound her sins.

Pelosi believes that she is right, and she now points her finger at Cordileone because of her principled position.

Politico Playbook reported the California Democrat visited Holy Trinity in Georgetown, where she received Holy Communion. Pool reports also indicate that President Joe Biden attends evening mass at Holy Trinity.

At this point, it is not clear which priest from Holy Trinity gave Pelosi communion.

The Daily Wire reached the Holy Trinity staff, a Jesuit parish for powerful priests.

The parish website promotes a “Pride Mass” on June 15. It also features a video featuring a gay man who claims to be married to another man. The Catholic Church believes that marriage should only be between a man and woman and that homosexual acts are not allowed in any circumstance.

Rev. Kevin Gillespie S.J. has previously stated that he would not deny Joe Biden communion. It appears that the Washington, D.C. Archdiocese is trying to hide the truth from the public.

The Church is also fighting the same battles that we see in the wider society. The battle that we see in the wider community is also being waged within the Church.

The Archbishop said that he was following the instructions of Cardinal Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict) when he was responsible for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Cordileone said that he had given advice to us about how to approach this, especially with Catholic politicians on the issues of abortion and euthanasia. The pastor or bishop will then declare that the person is not eligible for Holy Communion.

The archbishop’s justification for his public statement was that “if she doesn’t receive Holy Communion, our priests or extraordinary ministers, all Communion Ministers must know this.”

He also called Pelosi’s open support of abortion a scandal. Cordileone said that scandal refers to any action that leads to another’s sin or error.

Pelosi was told by the archbishop that he couldn’t judge her morality.

“I believe that her faith is very important. She said that she feels devotion in the heart. It is not clear to me why she would be so determined to support this issue as an elected official. ”

Cordileone noted that it was difficult to be a politician with so many issues to balance. However, to promote it so aggressively is not what a Catholic devout Catholic does.

Pope Francis didn’t comment on Pelosi in particular, but he did make the following comment: He condemned the choice of abortion and stated that it is taking a life.

It appears that Pelosi has been “church-shopping” in order to find progressives willing and able to travel around Cordileone. We will wait to see if Pope Francis has a more specific response.