Will a New Republican Majority Actually — Finally — Walk the Talk?


President Joe Biden believes you and I both need a Far Left Mary Poppins to tell us what we can read and hear. He’s therefore appointed her to head the newly created Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) at the Department of Homeland Security.

Biden does this in spite of the First Amendment which says Congress “shall not make any law” that would give anyone, anywhere in federal government, the power to censor speech or thought in this country.

The corrupt Congress currently in power, headed by Senator Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, won’t deny funding Biden’s DBS. However, its loudest voices will continue to demand more money, more censorious powers, and no oversight.

However, voters have every reason to expect that the Schumer/Pelosi crowd will be put to pasture in November and replaced by a Republican majority in both the House and possibly the Senate.

This is why Rep. Mike Johnson (R.La.) has promised to do what he said he would. It is crucial that Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) promises to do this. Johnson stated that the decision of the Biden Administration to establish a “Ministry of Truth” was a dystopian design. It is almost certain to be unconstitutional and clearly doomed. The government does not have any role in determining truth and acceptable speech. This board should be dismantled immediately by President Biden. Republicans will take over if he doesn’t.

Johnson made the statement to The Daily Caller. It was Tuesday that Johnson introduced a bill to “prohibit federal funds from establishing a Disinformation Governance Board”.

Johnson’s six key words were these: “If Johnson won’t, Republicans will.” This is clear and concise. If Biden doesn’t disband his DGB, congressional Republicans won. If they are elected with enough majorities in 2023.

Johnson and the 50 Republican House members who currently support his proposal and a majority of the House seated next January will likely do what he says. If Johnson and the other Republican members of Congress are able to actually act on his suggestion, then there might still be hope that, in Ronald Reagan’s immortal words, “save these, the last best hope of freedom on Earth” for our children, and grandchildren.

This is the Republican Party, and we have many reasons to be skeptical that the next Republican majority, regardless how sincere Johnson may seem, will not have the guts to defund Biden’s DGB.

If you are unsure, count the number of times Congress Republicans voted to repeal Obamacare. Those votes were meaningless because the Oval Office man named after the program would veto them.

When Donald Trump was President, and was willing to sign a repeal bill, Senator John McCain (R.Ariz.), the Republican that lost to Obama in 2008 saved Obamacare. He cast the only vote necessary to stop repeal.

When Democrats make a significant step forward in their quest to centralize power and authority in the federal Leviathan it is the Republican way to approach the situation. This has been to oppose and oppose, then compromise and compromise.

Republicans need to be aware that the Constitution grants Congress the “ultimate weapon” in any dispute with the President or the Supreme Court. A DGB will not be funded if Congress does not approve funding.

Democrats are right to see Johnson’s proposal as nothing more than window dressing. They need to growl a little and the GOP puppies will scamper back to safety, agreeing to a compromise that will ensure the survival of any government expansion the Democrats are fighting for.

To ensure that Congress is strong against the two other branches, there are many other weapons in Congress’ arsenal. Congress authorizes federal agencies to exercise their power. These powers can be redefined by Congress.

Richard Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government, notes that Senator Tom Cotton (R.Ark.). A defund proposal was also introduced by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.). Manning applauded Senator Rand Paul (R.Ky.), for suspending Biden’s nomination Kenneth Wainstein as a DHS Undersecretary.

Manning stated that “The disclosure that the department had set up a Disinformation Governance board prompted Senator Paul use his power and put a halt to the Wainstein nomination.”