All Republican Candidates Must Learn a Lesson From Arizona Gubernatorial Hopeful Kari Lake


Kari Lake, a former news anchor, is running for governor in Arizona as a Republican. After 22 years, she resigned her post at Fox 10 News in Phoenix. In a two-and-a-half-minute video, Lake articulated her frustration with the journalism profession. Lake expressed frustration at the lack of viewpoint diversity, and spoke out about being handed content she considered biased or insufficient. She should have warned her former colleagues about her comments about the industry. Lake is well-versed in the process and won’t be fumbled.

Donald Trump endorsed Lake when she entered the Arizona governor’s race. After leaving her top-rated anchor job, she became a Republican and a MAGA presidential candidate. She doesn’t let that stop her from speaking out and engaging with the media. She recently gave a masterclass to other Republican candidates about how to effectively defend their voters.

A reporter asked Lake about the 2020 election in a distant interview with ABC. Lake was asked by the reporter if Joe Biden is currently president, and if she believes that Democrats stole the 2020 elections. Lake refused to entertain the absurd binary and instead asked the reporter what her thoughts were about it. She added another. “Do you believe Joe Biden received 81 million votes?” Lake retorted.

Lake refused to provide a simple solution to an obvious question. She instead described in plain English the divergent views regarding the 2020 election. Instead of adopting the left’s perspective on people who still have questions about the irregularities she saw, she calmly supported their suspicions. Lake was articulate and unflappable thanks to her skills on-camera.

Lake stated, “The problem is that Americans don’t know all the answers. The media is part of it.” It isn’t being reported by the media. Our [Arizona’s] forensic audit has not been reported fairly by the media. They don’t report what is going on in Georgia. They don’t report on the ballot traffickers who are paid to drop off votes. This country is being disregarded by the media. People are not getting the whole story.”

This is a significant part of her reply because it defends Republican voters who witnessed the election night events and can recall the irregularities. Instead of investigating why the swing-state precincts failed to count in unison, then removed election observers, and engaging in other unusual behavior, the media told Americans nationwide not to believe what they saw. Many Americans are now better informed about the private funding of local elections offices by Mark Zuckerberg’s foundation. Recent polls show that 70% of Americans disapprove of this type of the outside influence. According to the same survey, 59% of likely voters think cheating has influenced 2020’s outcome. 40% agree.

Rasmussen won that poll before Dinesh Dauza released the trailer for 2000 Mules. The documentary tracks cell phone location data and uses a dropbox security camera to confirm that allegations of vote harvesting were true, thanks to whistleblower testimony. D’Souza claims that one person made 53 trips to 20 drop boxes to insert votes. In Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, there are court decisions that dropboxes, as well as mail-in voting without excuse, violate respective state constitutions.

Many people who watch the news feel justified in having concerns about the 2020 election. Even though they claim to be impartial, reporters still have questions about conspiracy theorists. Some commentators compared Americans who were concerned about the election to insurrectionists after Jan. 6. Others echoed the Democrat talking points, calling them racists when they supported laws to repeal pandemic-related exceptions like drive-through voting and drop boxes.

Lake’s campaign website states that election skepticism can be viewed as a bipartisan issue. “In 2016, more than 60% of Democrats believed that the election had been stolen. Over 60% of Republicans believe that the election was stolen in 2020. It is impossible to continue having disputed elections and expect the country to survive. It is very simple to ensure election integrity in the future if we just have the political will to.” Lake’s suggestions to restore confidence are common sense items that have broad support. Pre-printed paper ballots and voter ID are suggested by Lake. Software should be removed from the election process. Post-election audits will ensure transparency.

Lake responded to the ABC reporter. “But they will eventually [get the whole story],” Lake said. The media’s numbers are falling like a rock and they will continue to fall. Soon, no one will be paying attention. Because the media has turned their backs on America’s people and not been truthful.”

She then called out each media outlet by name. “ABC News and CNN were lying for more than three decades to the American people that Russia conspired with Donald J. Trump in order to steal an election 2016. They knew this was false. They knew that they were selling lies. They did nothing to stop it,” Lake said. “It was a complete hoax. They are now doing the exact opposite. They refuse to cover evidence of corruption in elections.

Lake’s ABC interview isn’t the only instance where she has displayed this level of confidence and poise. Her Rumble page contains interviews with mainstream outlets that are trying the same strategy as the ABC reporter. Lake is an admirable person, but it is important that all GOP candidates defend the views of many Republican voters regarding the 2020 election.

To understand the doubts that drove many to attend Trump’s speech, no one can excuse the actions of the Jan. 6 rioters. Republicans don’t need to support pardoning anyone in order to speak out about irregularities and influence activities during the election. But, if Republican voters don’t trust you as a representative of their valid concerns regarding the 2020 election, then why should they trust your ability to represent them in elected office.