Pfizer, BioNTech Sponsor Cringeworthy Marvel Comic That Promotes COVID-19 Vaccination


Pfizer and BioNTech sponsored a comic strip featuring Marvel characters that promote COVID-19 vaccination.

The story begins with a family waiting for COVID-19 shots, while the Avengers are only blocks away fighting an enemy called Ultron.

“Ultron keeps coming back–keeps evolving–so the Avengers continue adapting and restrategizing. They knock him back yet again!” The grandfather character said it.

The grandfather later says that he has seen their patterns so many times. Ultron evolves. The Avengers collect information and take the time to invent and adapt. Then he says that the Avengers will “figure it out, putting together all their existing knowledge and researching along with the new information.”

“The Avengers are doing their bit to keep us safe. As the family heads out to get their COVID-19 vaccinations, the grandfather states that it is now time to do ours.”

The comic ends with most family members sporting bandaids on their arms after they have had a COVID-19 vaccination shot.

“Everyday heroes don’t wear caps!” An ad appears at the end. They do have a small bandage covering their upper arms after getting their COVID-19 vaccine–because they are everyday heroes who care about their health. They are people who want to join their communities to protect against COVID-19.

Albert Bourla, the quadruple-jabbed CEO of Pfizer, announced that he had tested positive for COVID-19 in August. In September, he made another announcement that he had tested positive. He also noted in that statement that he hadn’t yet received the bivalent booster.

Other notable vaccine promoters, including President Joe Biden and Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), have also tested positive, despite being fully vaccinated and have had their doses twice increased.