Finland’s PM Sanna Marin Fights for Her Right to Party


Video footage of Sanna Marin, Finland’s Prime Minister, at a party has been leaked and sparked a political backlash. These videos, which include multiple clips, show Marin singing and dancing with friends, including pop stars from Finland. Marin, 36, is the youngest serving PM in the history of the country and also the youngest currently serving PM. According to a Finnish media outlet, Yle Marin said that she had defended her personal life.

“I have a family, I have a job and I have time to spend with my friends. The same as most people my age.”

Demands for drug testing were made after the public release of these private videos. Riikka Purra, chair of the Finns Party, asked Marin to take part in drug testing along with Mikko Karna from the Centre Party. Marin admitted that she had consumed alcohol, but denied having been involved in any drug-related activity. Marin was subject to drug testing Friday.

“I find these allegations to be very serious. I have taken a drug screening today. The results will be available in approximately a week.”

These are the results. According to the BBC, the Finnish government released a statement in Finnish stating that no drugs were detected during the test. As a comment on the acceptance of legal activity, women started sharing clips of themselves dancing and partying on social media with the hashtag #SolidaritywithSanna There are feminist sentiments that women should be allowed to let their hair down. It is certainly more subtle in Finland’s political scene. Her female cabinet was previously called “the spice girls.” People are responding by dancing on social media.

It is bizarre, from an American perspective that there was ever a controversy like this. The country has been plagued with the elicit videos of Hunter Biden’s laptop. Governor Newsom (D-CA), celebrating at French Laundry while violating his own lockdown rules, Andrew Gillum, former governor candidate for FL was found intoxicated in a hotel room after another man was taken to the emergency room for methamphetamine overdose. These types of scandals are commonplace and get little media attention.

Given America’s shameful debauchery, Finland seems to have it pretty well. America’s dynasty depravity responds by saying, “Hold my beer!”