Biden Travel Secretary Buttigieg’s Flight Among Hundreds Canceled on July 4 Weekend


It is not surprising that tokenist governments elevate mediocre mayors without any practical experience to positions of cabinet-level status like Travel Secretary.

“People are eager to see loved ones and family this summer, so counting on airlines to get them to that place,” tweeted Secretary for Transportation Pete Buttigieg Friday. He continued to assure Americans that he was “engaged airlines daily to ensure they are ready, FAA is doing its bit.” Buttigieg later became one of thousands of Americans who were delayed by the cancellation of his flight.

This is not the first time that the Secretary has been forced to change his travel plans; Last month, Buttigieg had to drive to New York after his flight was cancelled.

Buttigieg posted advice on how to get refunds for cancelled flights in an attempt to make lemonade from his lemons. As an example, he used his latest cancellation.

People were not pleased, it was obvious. Many suggested that Buttigieg should have done his job better.

Mayor Pete’s Twitter bio states that he is “Working to make transportation safer and more equitable, while also fighting climate change and creating job opportunities.” (he/him). It seems like he has other priorities than ensuring that the travel industry works.

Buttigieg was actually in Birmingham, Ala. the day before his flight was cancelled. He was there to announce the construction of a new bus line. “Using funds from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law we are proud to launch Reconnecting Communities: The first-ever federal initiative to unify communities living with the effects of past infrastructure decisions that divided them,” said the Secretary.

The Reconnecting Communities pilot program was the first Federal program to provide funding for reconnection efforts. However, other USDOT discretionary grant program programs such as the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity program (RAISE), have also funded projects like interstate capping in Atlanta and a greenway project to St. Louis and a Bus Rapid Transit line to Baltimore…

Applications from economically disadvantaged communities will be preferred, particularly those that focus on equity and environment justice and have strong community engagement and leadership, as well as a commitment towards shared prosperity and equitable growth.

As the entire Biden administration and the leftist establishment, racialism and socialism are the norm. Any competence actually achieved will be incidental.

These cancellations and travel headaches weren’t random. Over five days, 2,700 flights were cancelled over Memorial Day weekend. Buttigieg’s FAA has been the target of criticism by airlines, who accuse it of being too understaffed and leaving them vulnerable to air traffic controller shortages. The FAA’s website shows that it was still recruiting controllers on Friday.

This accusation was made in response to an FAA statement, which stated that the airlines were to blame for the incident. It said, in part, “After receiving $54 Billion in pandemic relief to save the airlines from mass layoffs, and bankruptcy, the American people should have their expectations fulfilled.”

Secretary Buttigieg is practicing some leadership, despite the squabbling, finger-pointing and squabbling.