Sean Spicer Announces Departure From Newsmax


The Daily Caller learned that Sean Spicer, former White House Press Secretary, is leaving “Spicer & Co.” for a new project.

“After three amazing years with Spicer & Co. I’m leaving Newsmax for a new venture. Spicer shared his excitement in a video.

“Spicer & Co. has seen a tremendous growth over the past three years. It has been seen by millions of people and, in many cases, had an impact on national political as well as cultural discussions. It was an honor to be part the Newsmax team, and I am grateful for my time there. I want to express my gratitude to Lyndsay, my cohost, and all our viewers — that’s YOU — for their support throughout the years.

Spicer’s new operation gives viewers “a front row view to what’s going on” and will feature “the most important stories, guests and stories” in an “all new way.” His announcements will be posted to his YouTube channel.

Lyndsay Keith was his co-host and announced her departure from Newsmax, March 21, after three years of service to the network.

Spicer was the first White House press secretary before his Newsmax program.

“In preparation to new programming, we decided not to continue Spicer & Co. With hosts Lyndsay Keith or Sean Spicer. A spokesperson for Newsmax told the Daily Caller that the network wishes them both success in their new ventures.

Newsmax signed a new contract in March with DirecTV after the TV provider dropped Newsmax over a dispute regarding a fee. DirecTV’s decision not to renew Newsmax led to allegations of political censorship, and an inquiry by Republican senators.