Doocy Exposes WH Cover-Up of Biden’s Decline, Making Their Responses Even Worse


The Biden campaign was caught between a stone and a difficult place on Wednesday, trying to explain – without really explaining – why Joe Biden had stepped down from the presidential race. He had two options. One was to admit he had cognitive issues or health problems. He and his team could be accused of lying and covering up the truth if he admitted to this. If he admitted to being in poor health, it would lead to calls for his resignation. It was also possible to say he did it to win their support, i.e. admitting he would lose to Donald Trump.

Biden hates to be challenged, so either of these choices would have been a complete anathema.

He didn’t give any real reason in his speech. If there was a motive, it was probably the second. He said he did it to “unite his party” and to “save the democracy.” This is saying he was pushed aside (in his mind) to increase their chances of winning. This is not the way our system should work. It tells the primary voters their vote doesn’t matter. The Democrats will bypass them and pick whoever they want, regardless of what the voters think.

What was that?

Karine Jean Pierre, White House Press secretary, was questioned by reporters about the reason for Biden’s speech the day before he spoke. She only made matters worse.

KJP claimed that he “didn’t step down from the campaign or from running because he did not believe he could be of service!”

Why did he do it? In a letter, a reporter asked Biden why he said it was “in the best interest of the country” for him not to continue. Did it have anything to do with Biden’s health? Biden said that he thought it was “in the best interest of my country and party” to step aside.

Jean-Pierre claimed that it was “nothing related to his health”, and that he would be able to serve, even within the next four years, if so desired.

Peter Doocy, a Fox reporter, wasn’t having it. He nailed her for covering up the cognitive decline.

Doocy stated bluntly, “It was kept from the American public.” “So, who told White House officials to hide a declining President?”

KJP protested there was no cover-up, but we can’t use any other words when the decline is well-known. She wants you not to believe what you have seen and heard about Biden. At this point, nobody believes them anymore.

It’s a bit of a joke that they talk about “saving democracy” when in reality, it’s them who are trampling on the American vote. They will do it again if they are successful in manipulating the election. Our votes will be meaningless.