Massive Gathering of 1,300 Migrants Storm NYC City Hall, Demand Green Cards Now!


In business, it is a well-known maxim that you should never overpromise and underdeliver. In the current political climate in the United States, however, our government overpromised but underdelivered. Immigrants, who walk, climb, or fly into the country, expect to receive a cornucopia in goods and services, at the expense of American Citizens.

New York City has a large population of immigrants, both legal and illegal. This is what you get when you add “sanctuary’ to your name de metropole.

The New York Post reports that the city held an open hearing on Tuesday at City Hall, to discuss the “black experience” in the city’s shelter system. In this instance, the focus was to be on the plight and struggles of African migrants. The hearing, according to a press release, was held to “understand the way the [Adams] Administration addresses language access challenges, cultural competency issues, health needs and other roadblocks.”

Around 250 people attended the hearing. More people came to the venue hoping to give testimony. But hundreds of African migrants arrived after they were told they would get work visas or Green Cards if they came to the gates.

CBS Affiliate had this report.

The Post estimated that the total number of migrants was around 1,300, mainly from Guinea in West Africa. The Post was told by a source that a group of activists had announced that green cards and work visas would be issued and the word has spread throughout the migrant communities.

Joe Biden’s inability to control the voices inside his head is evident once again. No, those are not the voices. I’m talking voices of fundamental change from his handlers, Mayorkas, activist groups, and DNC whispering “If you open this, they will come.”

Left-wing governors and mayors are also equally guilty, not only for listening to voices but for actually being those voices. A crush of migrants is not only a way to guarantee the future of a Democrat majority but also a way for hundreds of bureaucrats to convince the public that their tax dollars are better spent in an incinerator.

Nobody wants to see good people rejected, but America is simply not capable of accepting more “newcomers” or “undocumented migrants”. Americans are already struggling to stay afloat. New York is experiencing what happens when immigration demand exceeds supply.

The “adults” in charge probably didn’t realize that at some point all those immigrants would expect them to put their money where they talk. This is part of a bigger problem. These administrators, bureaucrats, and experts knew on some level that someone would have to pay the price for all these immigrants. They plan to use our money, homes, jobs and lives to back up their rhetoric.