Biden Forced to Walk Back Stupid Question Dig at Fox Reporter


Joe Biden was agitated by Jacqui Heinrich, Fox News White House correspondent, asking him a question on Thursday before a meeting of his Infrastructure Implementation Task Force. Heinrich asked, “Why aren’t you waiting for Putin to make the first move?”

Biden laughed and softly replied, “What stupid question?” The response was captured on the hot mic and went viral.

Heinrich was referring specifically to Biden’s senile comment at his press conference, that a “minor intrusion” by the Russians into Ukraine might result in a weak response from NATO. Biden invited Vladimir Putin, the Russian President, to examine his limits regarding what a “minor intrusion” might entail.

This comment sparked a furious response in Europe and the United States. Was it really a stupid question? Jen Psaki, White House Press Secretary, answered the question by stating that Heinrich was correct.

“Is the president aware that yesterday he was caught on a microphone?” Heinrich asked. Heinrich asked Psaki Friday at the briefing why he seemed to dismiss proactive deterrence.

Psaki stated that the president does not reject that idea. He has taken many steps, including supporting and approving several sanctions that were issued by the Treasury Department just days ago.

She stated that the U.S. provided financial and military support to Ukraine in its fight against aggression from neighboring countries.

She said, “I would suggest the president is hardly waiting.” “Actions on this front are quite clear.”

Biden didn’t just disrespect Heinrich. Philip Wegmann, the RealClearNews reporter, asked Biden about his pledge to “return civility” during the campaign.

“You ran for office on civility. And I know you disagree with the characterization in which you referred to people who would vote against those bills as Bull Connor or George Wallace. “But you said that there would probably be some in the same group?” Wegmann asked.

“No, that’s not what I said. “Look at what I said,” Biden told the reporter. Go back and review what I said. Tell me if I thought I called Bull Connor Bull Connor if they voted for the Bull Connor side. That is an interesting way to read English. Yes, it is because you love to write.

Biden clearly doesn’t respect any right-leaning reporter. This is fine, as it’s unlikely that anyone on the right or much of the left respects Biden. However, a president should not engage in such partisanship.

If you can recall President Reagan confronting a room full of hostile liberal journalists who tried to frame his answers in the worst possible light then you might be able to look at Biden and wonder what kind of personality he could bring to politics.