Stormy Daniels Profits From Trump’s Indictment, Celebrates With Champagne as Her Merchandise Flies Off Shelves


Thursday was a landmark day in American history. An ex-president was indicted.

Matt Taibbi, a journalist, and others expressed concern over the possible cataclysm that could befall the republic. Future leaders should not leave the office to inaugurate the formal autocracy of America.

Other critics have voiced concern at the apparent attempt of Democrats to persecute and weaponize political opponents.

Stormy Daniels, a pornstar, was celebrated with well wishes and champagne, Stephanie Clifford is Daniel’s real name. She tweeted Thursday night: “Thanks everyone for your support! There are so many messages I can’t respond to…and my champagne shouldn’t be spilled.”

Clifford also noted that her “merch/autograph orders are pouring in, too!”

According to the New York Post merchandise “flying off shelves” includes signed posters featuring Clifford wearing lingerie and T-shirts with “#TeamStormy” printed on them.

New York City – Former President Donald Trump was charged with criminal acts related to the alleged hush money he gave Clifford.

The Wall Street Journal published a story about Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen. Cohen allegedly paid $130,000 to the porn star before the 2016 election. Clifford was required to keep this agreement secret from any discussion of an alleged sexual encounter.

Clifford’s knowledge of the actual events is inconsistent.

Clifford stated that she met Trump after attending a celebrity tournament of golf in 2011. This was one year after Melania had married Clifford.

Clifford said that “[The sexual act] is textbook-generic.” It was not crazy. It was only one position. This is what you would expect a person his age to do.

She released a statement in 2018 stating that she believed that the affair was not true. However, each party to it was denied on 6 June 2011, 2016, 2017, and again in 2018. ”

Trump called Clifford’s earlier claims “false, extortionist allegations.”

Trump tweeted in May 2018: “Mr. Cohen, an attorney, received a monthly retainer. This was not from the campaign and had nothing to do with the campaign. Through reimbursement, he entered into a private contract between two persons, called a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). ”

These agreements have a lot of popularity among celebrities and wealthy people. Trump stated that the agreement was in full force and effect in this case. He will use it at Arbitration for damages against Ms. Clifford Daniels.”

“She used the agreement to stop false and extortionist claims that she had an affair, even though she had signed detailed letters admitting otherwise. The transaction did not involve campaign contributions or money from the campaign.

USA Today reports that Daniels said she would “dance down the street” for Trump during the weeks leading to his March 30 indictment.

Clark Brewster, the lawyer for the porn star, did not mention that he danced to USA Today. Instead, he said that he was surprised at his client’s behavior even though it was almost normal.

Brewster said that Brewster was upset that the man was being charged. It’s possible to believe that the system works.

Brewster tweeted: “The indictment of Donald Trump is no cause for joy. ”

Brewster’s assertions would suggest that Clifford’s champagne celebrations were a waste of time.