Manic Freak-Out Ensues Over Decorum Breach at Biden State of the Union


The left, even those in the media, can always be counted on to be the most hypocritical people anywhere on the planet. This was again illustrated on Tuesday evening after a panic attack erupted due to some breaches of decorum in Joe Biden’s lie-ridden State of the Union speech.

Nearly immediately after the president had mercifully finished his speech, pundits took the airwaves to complain about how terrible it was for Republicans that they yelled blatant lies regarding things like fentanyl overdoses or cuts to social security.

These are just a few examples that will help you get started.

If you are a follower of politics, then you will know where I am going next. These absolute hacks act as if Republican taunts seem unheard of, but Nancy Pelosi famously ridiculed Donald Trump’s speech at the close of the 2020 State of the Union. How did the press react to that?

They loved it.

This is not the only instance. It would still be relevant if it were. This is because it was the Speaker of the House who did it, and not some backbencher. Democrats have a long history of violating decorum at State of the Union addresses. They want you to forget about it.

These are just a few of the recent events that occurred during Trump’s administration in 2018 and 2019. The Democrats were praised for their outbursts and the friendly media that supported them received glowing reviews.

Others in the media would like you to believe that Joe Wilson called Barack Obama a “liar” during a 2009 speech. However, this 1) was not a State of the Union, and 2) wasn’t the first time. Democrat heckling also occurred at the 2005 State of the Union when George W. Bush made the totally truthful statement that social insurance would eventually go bankrupt.

Summary: Anyone who complains about “decorum,” during Biden’s speech, but doesn’t condemn the same thing in past speeches is a hypocrite. Adam Kinzinger suggested that Republicans should face censure. He never made the suggestion about Nancy Pelosi.

Democrats have broken precedent once again and are now complaining when Republicans use it against their party. It’s not easy. CNN and all the rest can hold their pearls but they are the ones who have normalized this.